Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

. . . and you thought it couldn't get any worse

The misnamed talent show came back Tuesday with some trash from YouTube (didn't it used to be UTube?).  Next .  .  .

I may never tire of the TV commercial in which the gentleman with the charming German accent says, "Those shorts are for a younger person, wouldn't you say?"  The product is one of those indecipherable cell phone services, I think.  As if it mattered.

Pradaxa's ad has the man who is being followed around by an elephant.  .  . like an obedient pet.  I believe Pradaxa is an expensive blood thinner one can use instead of the rat poison I do, but I want the elephant.

WELL, the election is set:  a rich guy and a financial wizard against two boobs.  You can ignore pretty much anything that's said except when Ryan talks about his plans for the economy.  Then, pray Willard the Mitt is elected and he enacts them.

EVEN the "scientists," in self-defense, have pointed out that Mars looks a lot like New Mexico.  It sounds like the Wizard of Oz's, "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain."   How much money are we wasting this time?  Will the President want the "disabled" to get a job to pay for this Hollywood production?


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