Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Saturday, July 14, 2012

. . . but I have been busy. . .

Be assured I have been published in the E-R at least twice since we last talked.  As usual, I continue to exhort Americans to dismiss President Obama and his henchmen, and elect enough new people to stop the spending and bring back real jobs in the private sector instead of expanding the IRS and wasting money building train tracks from Fresno to Bakersfield.

So, because everyone knows where I stand, and liberals are too brainwashed to open their minds to me, I've been focusing on entertainment.  For instance, I have been watching the misnamed talent show AGAIN, and despite the judges' assertions that it is the best yet, that's only hype.  I have seen no million dollar acts.  Also, the petty squabbling between Howard Stern and Howie Mandel is beginning to look real and extremely childish.  Those who tweet Howie should tell him so.

In my old age I find myself, more and more, enjoying the "family" and "romantic comedy" film categories.  I recently saw "The Magic of Belle Isle" (2012), a new Morgan Freeman cable/satellite offering featuring charming children and a major dog.  No foul language, car chases or gratuitous violence.  Freeman is a real class act; maybe he should run for office.  And yesterday, I watched "Dear Heart" (1964) FOR THE SECOND TIME.  It just goes to prove that "Dr. Strangelove" and the song "We'll Sing in the Sunshine" weren't the only good things to come out that year.

Also, I am discovering that "Gunsmoke" (l955-75) had some nice moments, many of which I have never seen.  On the other hand, "Cybill" (Shepherd) (1995-98), all of which I saw, was badly acted, and I don't know why I liked it.

On one serious note, race relations took a giant step backward this week when the NAACP annual convention invited Willard the Mitt to speak, and then booed him for his stand on Obamacare.  Rudeness and the entitlement mentality ran amok.


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