Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Bad news, good news

California has passed a law to allow K-12 transgender students to pick whichever restroom they want.  That's trouble waiting to happen.  In our day, Jack, the class clown, and I would have flounced into the girl's room, and he might have announced, "I'm feeling like a girl today,"  Of course, that was pre-PC, and the girls would have giggled at his overweight, prematurely balding body, because it was funny.  He wouldn't do it today, because he has become a pompous rich guy, and he and most of the rest of world have lost their sense of humor.

First born has sold four yearlings at the CTBA sale for almost $30,000.  Hard work pays off.


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