Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Friday, October 17, 2008


The world runs primarily on faith. Religion is 100% faith. Science is about 95% faith. Because half of all marriages end in divorce, they're based 50% on faith. Because one of every three drivers could be drunk, and many more are inattentive for a number of reasons, it's a leap of faith to go out onto the road.

When first born went out yesterday and bought 800 shares of GM, that decision was based on her faith in American business, and the knowledge that cars will never be replaced by bicycles. Before the recent troubles, GM was selling at about ten times what it's worth today. I lack the faith that I will live to see that time again, so I'm not investing.

With the upcoming presidential election, we have to ask ourselves how much change is needed, and in which candidate we wish to place our faith to effect it. I hope that my faith is not misplaced in you, and that you will reject the man who told a hard-working plumber that the government might take some of his earnings away from him and give them to others to "spread the wealth around."

FYI: "Kath and Kim" episode two wasn't much better.


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