Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Three speak

With the Proposition 8 (gay marriage) argument raging in California, three letters to the editor of the pamphlet make various assertions. The first words are from Steve Scarborough, who said, "Today, marriage is [simply] an agreement of equal partners to forge a union in accordance with the rights and responsibilities prescribed by law." But marriage is much more than that.

As Ida Hammons said, "For thousands of years, marriage has been a form of religious worship wherein a man and a woman were joined in a three-way union with God in order to 'multiply and replenish the earth' and create a family unit." This is much closer to reality.

When children are born, they are gifts from God, but as Dale Rasmussen said, "Marriage [is not] a 'license' to procreate. . . In fact, those people with the most egregious lack of life skills show an amazing ability to procreate. . . [and] what we need are stable, loving families. . . ."

How can government improve on that?


At 5:20 PM, Blogger Donalbain said...

For thousands of years? For that period, marriage had nothing to do with God (proper noun) for most people on earth.

At 3:34 PM, Blogger Don, American Idle said...

Ida probably meant 2000-3000.

At 6:39 AM, Blogger Donalbain said...

Even then, most people on earth didn't worship "God". The era in which a majority worshipped God is a very recent one.

At 11:50 AM, Blogger Don, American Idle said...

"Gods" became "God" around the time of the birth of Christ, but some prophets were talking about it earlier. Pretty much every recognized religion today has a "God" (singular) of some sort.

At 5:10 PM, Blogger Donalbain said...

Well.. no. Around the birth of Christ, the worship of God (proper noun) was still a minority affair.

At 3:50 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Furthermore, in this country, don, american, you should know that marriage was treated in most places as a civil institution, like in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Why do you hate the principles upon which this country was founded?


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