Jorge bloviates/ football (as published)
I was reading the latest Jorge Smirnoff claptrap (letter to the editor 12/15), and began to chortle when he referenced Dr. Wayne Dyer, the pop psychologist and P BS fund-raiser, who lectures in his bare feet, because he thinks that adds credibility to his feel-good nonsense. Dyer also "gives" his books and tapes to viewers for a donation to P BS of $365. That's $365.
Suddenly, I looked immediately to the left on the page and saw your editorial, "While Obama is fixing things," a lengthy discussion of possible college football playoffs. Colleges were established to provide higher education to serious academics. Football is irrelevant, but because they are educational institutions, shouldn't those millions of dollars generated by big-time football programs be used to reduce the tuition of financially strapped degree seekers? Apparently, not so far.
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