Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Science II questions

For all we know, our ideas about gravity could be utterly wrong. -- "Donalbain"

Excuse me. Did my chief commenter say he's not sure about gravity? Was there some time in recorded history when it didn't exist, and nobody told us about it? Is it going to go away? Hasn't science told us it's all that keeps us from falling into the sun, which they say is a ball of fire? Won't we all die?

I don't know my commenter's scientific credentials, but if he knows what he's talking about, doesn't that make scientists look like weasels who can't or won't take a stand? If nothing can be proven, what's the point of investigating?


At 2:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We dont KNOW! That is why science is so much fun!

There *is* a possibility that at some point in the future we will find some data that suggests (for example) that the inverse square law might not hold at HUGE or TINY distances. One example of data that some people are saying suggests such a thing is the Pioneer Anomaly.

At 11:37 AM, Blogger Don, American Idle said...

I hope you scientists have all the fun you want. What I object to is those who are using my (tax) money for their entertainment.

At 12:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK.. then please stop using the internet, vaccines, sattelite TV and everything else that depends on science.


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