Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Even celebrities want to punish someone

Re "Latinos and gays face same foe on Nov 2" (Sacramento Bee 7/27): I am nobody's foe. I love and respect all human beings, and when Dolores Huerta and Luis Lopez threaten to "punish me for picking on them," they are wrong. I am only opposed to immoral and/or illegal behavior, no matter by whom it is perpetrated.

The United States has established a system by which people may legally immigrate. The fact that the majority of those who elect to bypass those American laws are Latinos is irrelevant. However, Mexico and most of the other countries of the world exercise draconian control over those who enter, and woe be unto anyone who is found there without proper documentation. What would make their citizens think they can disrespect the laws of the United States?

Many of us believe that the sexual practices of homosexuals are aberant behavior, and that proper marriage, built on love and fidelity, is a religious concept. Therefore, we find it hard to accept that their liaisons enjoy the same status as traditional marriage, but if some religious institution deigns to designate their union blessed, I honor the First Amendment. However, I fail to see how such marriages, or, for that matter, ANY marriages, are the business of the state. [We were wrong when we allowed traditional marriage to be secularized, and nothing is gained by compounding the error.]


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