For many years, I enjoyed David Letterman. There were times I watched his entire show almost every night. He was clever, personable and much admired.
Lately, he has changed. He has grown repetitive, and the humor is less creative. Most disappointing, since the beginning of the Republican debates, he has embarked on a crusade of partisan criticism, seizing on every one of their peccadillos in an attempt to discredit the candidates. It seems mean-spirited and displays an obvious liberal bias. Apparently, in his old age, he has lost his objectivity.
I now find myself occasionally watching some Leno, who has never been particularly funny, because, at least, he recognizes that the President, with his failed policies and desperate attempts to justify them, is also a rich source of humor.
After the election, I will probably check Dave out again, but if he has truly gone over to the dark side, he will either be gleefully deluded or a bitter old loser -- depending upon the result. I suspect he may never be funny again.
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