Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Sunday, April 08, 2012


Letter writer Louise Weitze (4/8) sounds like one of those misguided parents who used to victimize their children by letting them burn their hands on the stove instead of yelling out, "Don't touch that!" She appears to be so afraid of a little strong language that she can't or won't listen to those with whom she disagrees, and is content to accuse them of lying.

Weitze begins her letter by observing the obvious -- liberals and conservatives are frequently diametrically opposed -- but she quickly characterizes conservative thoughts sent to her as "hate email" from her friends and relatives. In one breath she calls for tolerance, and a moment later, she's excoriating those who deign to disagree with her.

This kind of liberal hypocrisy could tear her family apart and alienate her friends, some of whose ideas, she may discover, are as valid as hers, and not always, as she has said, "fabricated, toxic, and [peppered with] malignant name calling."


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