Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Will be published

Many voters are disturbed that the Republican Party doesn't seem concerned that it doesn't yet have a candidate who is assured of defeating President Obama. I, personally, find it a great worry, and lament that I cannot accept the challenge. Unlike the many who lack the courage, I would, if younger and healthier, welcome the opportunity to serve.

To begin with, I can match the only two positive qualities the incumbent possesses -- I am also handsomer than Richard Nixon, and I am adept at public speaking, which I can do even without a teleprompter. I even know when to shut up, especially, as in the case of the death of Trayvon Martin about whom the President misspoke before he heard the facts.

I am not beholden to any political party, organized religion or questionable scientific theories, Right here in this section of the paper, I have offered bold solutions to most of the pressing social problems involving race, ethnicity and gender. I am not a financial expert, but I know the names of those who are, none of whom, by the way, presently work for the Obama administration. I would be an excellent candidate.

Confidence, passion and a sense of the dramatic could carry the day. I have those qualities, and if you do as well, I invite you to speak out and ask, "Where is our candidate?"


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