Hey, Michelle
I'm no prude, but it seems wrong to me that simulated sex is now being shown on network prime-time TV. Even though it was 10:30 p.m., and the children should have been in bed, I allowed myself to be offended by "The New Normal," not so much for me, but for any immature minds who may have seen it. Apparently, the makers of this trash, while portraying the homosexual content quite sensitively, seem to want to tell us that having heterosexual sex for all to see is also normal. It's not; it's pornographic, and it's bad enough it can be found on cable/satellite TV, or purchased by mail. We might have less of it viewed if everyone still had to visit the sleazy back rooms of video stores, and risk the embarrassment of being seen renting it.
Perhaps, we have lost the concept of embarrassment along with God and the truth. Maybe Michelle Obama should stop worrying about what we eat, and start speaking out against her husband's repudiation of God, his lies, and what is on TV for her daughters to see.
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