Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Friday, June 29, 2007

More good news

1. The bald eagle has been removed from the endangered species list, for now.

2. The U. S. Supreme Court has rejected school assignment plans that take account of students' race. As Chief Justice John Roberts said, "The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race."

3. The immigration amnesty bill in the Senate is dead. Back to the drawing board. Perhaps, in the meantime, we could be enforcing existing law.

4. Funding for the (Un)fairness Doctrine has been banned by the House of Representatives.

It's been a couple of good days.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


A regular feature in the Daily Pamphlet is the "County's Most Wanted," featuring mug shots and descriptions of evil-doers. Almost to a man (or woman), these perps have one or more tattoos. I don't suppose, when they got them, they imagined they might help the police in their identification.

We have heard that convicts get tattoos in prison from fellow inmates. My short-term friend, Louie Toro, had a number of very poorly drawn figures of cartoon characters on his upper body. I think it was prison art, because no one would pay more that a pack of cigarettes for such nonsense.

Perhaps the police should lurk outside tattoo parlors to identify present and/or future criminals as they avail themselves of the "artistic" services. Some well-advertised and sanitary parlors are probably legitimate businesses, but the fact remains, criminals sport lots of tattoos, and many of them are professionally applied.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The question

Twenty years ago we gave amnesty to two million illegal aliens, but we never enforced the laws that were passed to discourage further illegal immigration, so now we have 12 million illegals. No matter what laws we pass this time, if we don't secure the border, the illegals will just keep coming, more each year, exponentially. How long do you want to continue to pay for their welfare benefits, health care , and imprisonment?

Sunday, June 24, 2007


Last night, on the Public B S, I watched the interview of a young, well-spoken American Muslim. Because it used to be the "educational channel," I was hoping to be educated. What I learned, however, was more disturbing that informative.

It started well. The young man had risen from poverty to be a spokesman for his religion. He had chosen Islam because it "answered all the questions" he had for the other religions he had investigated. I wanted to hear those answers.

But suddenly, the discussion took an ugly turn when the interviewer, Bill Moyers, quoted a passage from the Quran which seemed to imply that it was acceptable for a Muslim man to beat his wife. The young man grew frustrated when he couldn't explain the passage, and his true feelings began to emerge. (Of course, there is no explanation. All religious tracts contain multiple references to gratuitous violence. The Bible itself tells of a petulant God who decimated two cities just because He was pissed. That can't be explained either.)

In his frustration the young man, an African-American, as are most American Muslims, tried to blame the criticism of his religion on racism. He said that "a few beheadings" don't compare with another outrageous event (of which I hadn't heard) involving an airstrike on an African water purification plant, which caused some African children to have to drink dirty water.

There are no degrees of outrageous. I'm sure the loved ones of Daniel Pearl consider his beheading no less a tragedy than the bombing of the Twin Towers. It is discouraging, however, that another young African-American hasn't yet risen above racism.

To his credit, Bill Moyers never said, "Right on."

GOSSIP: I don't know their marital statuses, but Senators Trent Lott (R-MS) and Diane Feinstein (D-CA), on Fox News Sunday, acted as though they have a thing for each other. If it turns out to be true, remember, you saw it here first.

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Today's big Associated Press article is chock full of bias and inaccuracies, as usual. The headline initiates the disturbing adventure by saying, "Bush vetoes stem cell bill; Democrats call his action "moral affront.' "

But, let's start with the first sentence: "The public disagrees with him [the President]." I pray to God that the people of the U.S. have not rejected the sanctity of human life. That would make us no better than the Islamic terrorists. I cannot believe that any civilized human being would deliberately create a human life only to kill it for research purposes.

How can anyone call this position a "moral affront?" Well, it turns out Mrs. Bill Clinton can. She said, "This is just one example of how the president puts ideology before science." So, as my son said, many years ago, "Science is the new religion." Christian morality be damned?

The present form of stem cell research, funded by the government, is sufficient and effective. The ghoulishness proposed in this bill has produced nothing. I thank the President for not spending public money on it.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


It's curious that some of the same people who want to keep religion out of the schools, tear down crosses, and remove the Ten Commandments from public buildings also want to censor TV. What criteria are the Godless going to use to decide good from bad?

Today's words from Dogbert, the Green Consultant, encapsulate the thinking of Mrs. Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and their liberal cohorts: "You can't save the earth unless you're willing to make other people sacrifice."

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Too hot, therefore, short

I have an e-mail in to the California Teachers Association asking if they will honor the U.S. Supreme Court's unanimous decision in a case out of Washington state, mandating that, in their dues, public employees' unions cannot collect funds for political action without the consent of the individual members. Maybe, after 30 years, my case will be resolved. If they respond. . . .

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

& Me

The other fat propagandist appeared in Sacramento, and marched with the California Nurses Association to promote his film, "Sicko," bearing his nickname as its title.

1. The film had its premiere Tuesday night in Sacramento, a pretty small market for a "major" release.

2. Moore and the CNA both support the single-payer health care system, which can't be good, because it involves the government.

3. Moore lost his credibility after he abandoned the humor of "Roger & Me," and went political.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Salope Americaine

I have done no research, nor do I intend to, because it seems obvious that the hotel heiress' behavior can be traced right back to poor parenting. They spoiled her rotten, and taught her neither morality nor personal responsibility. They probably didn't want her, and never loved her, because no loving parents would allow a child to degenerate into the lamentable adult she has become.

The rest of us are not completely innocent in this affair either. Those who watched her embarrassing sex tape and her television show only encouraged her display of ignorance and lack of talent to entertain. It is difficult to ascertain what this extremely flawed and inept young woman can do now, but I hope I'll never have to see it.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


As if you need another reason not to vote for Mrs. Bill Clinton (who's still married to the Great Adulterer), when discussing, in the recent debate, how we must sacrifice to make our nation better, she said, "Something must be taken away from some people."

There's that something word again. What Mrs. Bill Clinton means is money. . . to begin with. Then she implies freedom, self-determination and personal accomplishment must be curtailed. She wants the government to control every aspect of your life, and if you have more than someone else, you must give them some of it. Isn't there a name for that form of government, and hasn't it been thoroughly discredited? Hillary, don't rebuild that wall!