Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Due to first born's propensity for dropping cell phones in the toilet, we now have two new LG Optimus devices. They purport to give us unlimited everything except fixing dinner and washing the dishes. So far, I have been unable to access much of anything. Tiny keyboard, giant fingers, impatience. . . all conspire against me. Have yet to enter my password (which I recently changed after Yahoo shut me down because, God knows why.) Wish me luck. Someone told her it's hard to get started, but we'll love it when we figure it out, even though there are minimum instructions. I even had to guess how to charge the battery. This is a machine for those who speak fluent computer. They printed my letter criticizing space exploration and drug companies, so I may add one about weather speculation and nutrition nonsense. In the meantime. I have one working which explains to columnist Esther Cepeda that parents are the primary educators, and not "surrogates."

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Bad news, good news

California has passed a law to allow K-12 transgender students to pick whichever restroom they want.  That's trouble waiting to happen.  In our day, Jack, the class clown, and I would have flounced into the girl's room, and he might have announced, "I'm feeling like a girl today,"  Of course, that was pre-PC, and the girls would have giggled at his overweight, prematurely balding body, because it was funny.  He wouldn't do it today, because he has become a pompous rich guy, and he and most of the rest of world have lost their sense of humor.

First born has sold four yearlings at the CTBA sale for almost $30,000.  Hard work pays off.

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

A couple of quickies

1.  Pay no attention to Oprah when she complains about being a victim of racism in a store.  She's a pompous ass.

2.  The word "numbnuts" is now perfectly acceptable on prime time network TV. So, don't complain when you hear Jane Curtin say it, Numbnuts.