Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Another celebration

Today is my truck's sixteenth birthday. I sang the iconic song to him, but first born wouldn't join in. She's a fuddy-duddy.

He is barely broken in, with less than 74,000 miles. Although he came off the line earlier, I always celebrate the day he came home with me and became a member of the family. Earlier this week, he passed smog with flying colors. I hope he had a happy birthday.

EARLIER: I believe I know someone who lives in the Congressional district of Democrat Anthony Weiner, who blew his top on Thursday night, screamed at a Republican legislator, and behaved like a fool, because a vote didn't go his way. Never mind that members of his own party assisted in defeating it, because, as I suspect, it was probably loaded with pork. Everything nowadays seems to be.

TODAY: It is rumored that the Clintons might spend $3 million on Chelsea's wedding. How much of the suffering of the sick and poor could that potentially alleviate?

Friday, July 30, 2010

It's so sweet, doing nothing

You may have noticed my blog has changed names. The original name was an homage to Jimmy Hatlo and his cartoon, Little Iodine. It was aimed at one potential reader, from whom I wanted to hide my identity, but also to whom I wanted to provide a recognizable clue. When discovered, I learned that there are no real secrets out there, including any personal numbers one sends out into the air. For instance, one book club I have used informed me that they had been invaded, but, fortunately, I avoided criminal scrutiny. How long can that last?

Or am I just paranoid?

INTERNET GAMBLING: (As seen on TV) When an irresponsible person with a fistful of cash walks into a casino, it is difficult to stop him or her from squandering their children's milk money, but perhaps, the internet can be required to do a better job of checking the gamblers' credit, and possibly refusing to accommodate those who can't afford to lose.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Go Arizona

What do you suppose the penalty for contempt of federal court is? If Arizona defied the court, what are the chances the Democrats would allow the court to further alienate that 70% of Americans who support Arizona, and are potential voters in the upcoming election? Wouldn't it be fun to see?

I submitted the above to TV, because I have been used almost every day for the past two weeks. They even used the mediocre one below, yesterday.

I know what I think of the Obama administration and its goals for the war, but what can I tell my two grandsons and my two greatgranddaughters, whose future it is mortgaging? Learn to speak Chinese? Stockpile canned goods, or convert to Islam?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Even celebrities want to punish someone

Re "Latinos and gays face same foe on Nov 2" (Sacramento Bee 7/27): I am nobody's foe. I love and respect all human beings, and when Dolores Huerta and Luis Lopez threaten to "punish me for picking on them," they are wrong. I am only opposed to immoral and/or illegal behavior, no matter by whom it is perpetrated.

The United States has established a system by which people may legally immigrate. The fact that the majority of those who elect to bypass those American laws are Latinos is irrelevant. However, Mexico and most of the other countries of the world exercise draconian control over those who enter, and woe be unto anyone who is found there without proper documentation. What would make their citizens think they can disrespect the laws of the United States?

Many of us believe that the sexual practices of homosexuals are aberant behavior, and that proper marriage, built on love and fidelity, is a religious concept. Therefore, we find it hard to accept that their liaisons enjoy the same status as traditional marriage, but if some religious institution deigns to designate their union blessed, I honor the First Amendment. However, I fail to see how such marriages, or, for that matter, ANY marriages, are the business of the state. [We were wrong when we allowed traditional marriage to be secularized, and nothing is gained by compounding the error.]

Saturday, July 24, 2010

As seen on TV

1. (AS [EDITED]) The Democrats stuck the stimulus in our ear. They crammed the health care program down our throat[, and they bent us over to deliver financial reform]. They aren't going to pursue cap and tax, probably because shoving alleged big polluters up our nose is too ironic, even for them.

2. For many of us, abortion is sin, but not all sins are punishable by law. Therefore, Roe v. Wade will continue to be with us, and should be, as long as there are women who can rationalize the moral implications.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Big boy

Last night, first born let me have Burger King for dinner. I had been a good boy at the lab, and didn't cry or anything when the phlebotomist drew my blood. Phlebotomist. . . that's a funny word. Anyway, almost every time I behave at the doctor's or the lab I get burgers. They're so unhealthy, but they taste so good. The double cheeseburgers are only $1 each right now, and I added my own nutritious tomato. I heard the doctor say that I should take my chloresterol pill with my dinner, because it counteracts the fat in the food. I believe everything science tells me, because it's always true. When they change their minds, that's true, too. Just like they just said that now a little caffeine is OK for pregnant ladies.

Wow, look at all those big, funny-looking spelling words I just used. Goodbye; it's time for my nap now.

EXTRA: Representative Charles Rangel (D-NY) is facing multiple ethics charges. Yesterday, he talked to the press, basically to say, "No comment," but Luke Russert of the state-run NBC-MSNBC persisted in trying to get him to say something important.

Suddenly, Rangel said it. He verified the cozy relationship between Democrats and the press, and he lectured Russert as to how it is agreed that his news organization is in bed with the administration, and he isn't supposed to ask Democrats embarrassing questions.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

"Goodnight, ladies"

Girls have been dancing with each other for years. In high school, it is a frequent occurrence, because boys of that age are often reluctant to dance out of a fear of embarrassment. In the case of Constance McMillen, an overzealous school in Fulton, Mississippi, canceled the whole prom because she added a lesbian component to two girls dancing together.

Most people's objection to homosexuals involves the perceived aberant nature of their sexual acts, but I doubt Ms McMillen planned to engage in them on the dance floor, so the ACLU was able to get $35,000 from the school that overreacted.

I would suggest, however, that the money be divided equally among all those who were deprived of the pleasure of their prom, specifically all those who had planned to attend, and their dates. In this, the Obama Age of Punishment, let's at least distribute the reparations equally.

EXTRA: From what we've seen so far, Chelsea Clinton has more class than both of her parents put together. I hope that her upcoming wedding is exactly what she needs to provide her with a lifetime of happiness.
A local chef in the Clinton's hometown was asked if he had the gig, and he said, "I'm not confirming or denying anything to honor the privacy of my clients." Sounds like a "yes" to me.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Another response (as published 7/26)

My mother's parents emigrated from Poland. My father's parents were Germans who had been living in Poland, because the country had been overrun by much of Europe for years, mostly by the nations to the east and west -- Germany and Russia. In 1939, Hitler launched an unprovoked military attack on Poland.

At our house, that event created no friction between my Polish mother and my German father, because, unlike Steve Lewis (letter 7/20) and those who have influenced him, they refused to punish each other for the sins committed by people over whom they had no control.

Neither I nor any of my ancestors ever bought any slaves or oppressed any American Indians, and I refuse to accept the guilt for those who did. I will not be lectured that I command any more privileges than any other Americans. I have worked for everything I have, and have taken advantage of no one.

Contrary to Lewis' assertion, health care is not "granted." It is earned by those who work for it, and those who are temporarily unemployed are not allowed to die because of Christian compassion, and not government largesse.

George W. Bush is no longer President, and blaming him for the incompetence of President Obama is counterproductive; and although Lewis acknowledges that the United States faces great problems, I suspect the greatest problem is the disturbing mindset of Steve Lewis and those who think as he does.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Myq ("Mike") Kaplan

My favorite comic has advanced. In last night's set he told an off-color joke, of the kind which has always assured continued success in the past. Television audiences seem to enjoy talk of bodily functions, fluids, and the expulsion of gasses.

AND: The oil leak has stopped, and that's bad news for the Democrats' election prospects. Look for the regime to keep the controversy alive, because someone must always be punished. Probably those same voters who thirst for smut love to see their betters brought down.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Laugh your fat ass off

Contrary to popular belief, Medicare Part D (assistance paying for drugs) is not voluntary. It's just another "free" program into which I have been enrolled, and which eventually the government will be unable to fund. The company, RxAmerica, from time to time sends me a newsletter chock-full of "knowledge." You may remember some of that nonsense from one of my earlier posts. Here is the latest revelation:

"Did you know. . . Laughing 100 times roughly equals 15 minutes on an exercise bike? Vigorous laughter increases the heart rate, deepens the breathing rate, and uses muscles in the face, stomach, and diaphragm. It also releases oxytocin, the feel good hormone that puts you in a good mood. Have a laugh, it's good for you!"

So, you see, my love of humor is as good as, and more pleasant than, exercise.

Friday, July 16, 2010

The beginning?

The Attorney General of Michigan, coordinating (in alphabetical order) with the eight states of Alabama, Florida, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas and Virginia, and the Northern Mariana Islands has filed suit in federal court to support the immigration laws enacted by Arizona.

As you must know, the Northern Mariana Islands are in the Pacific Ocean, just north of Guam. On Guam there is a sizeable contingent of U.S. military, and wouldn't it be interesting if the new civil war, to be fought over states' rights, began in the Northern Mariana Islands? I don't know who would initiate the action, but I'll bet those Islanders are feisty dudes. After all, what else do they have to do except overcharge the tourists? (Also see FYI below.)

It is curious that neither New Mexico nor California are on board yet. That would unite all the Mexican border states for everyone except that Milwaukee City Council member who didn't know that Arizona was a one of them. (Donate to Maps for the Oblivious.)

FYI: In 1975, the residents of the NMI voted to become a U.S. Commonwealth. In 2007, the workers in their booming garment industry complained that they were slaving under sweatshop conditions, making clothes, probably for American companies; so our magnanimous Congress passed legislation to raise the minimum wage to the federal rate by 2015. That's 2015. . . still five years from now. Maybe that will energize the war effort.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


This summer's "The Last Comic Standing," and the misnamed talent show (which should be "America Has Talent") have been disappointing. They are, of course, the only "reality" shows I watch, and only because almost everything else is a rerun. I even vote for my "favorites," even though I'm not convinced it means a thing. Curiously, this week, both my choices were artist #10 -- the comic was a young man named Kaplan, and the other performer was an actual artist, last night drawing a fine representation of judge Piers Morgan while UNDER WATER.

UPDATE: The clever artist has been eliminated. Kept were two little boys, ages 5 and 10, doing an acrobatic dance that is "perfect" for a sophisticated Las Vegas audience. Wouldn't that be child labor? Hey, President Obama! Some more people to punish.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Infamous trios

THE TRIPLE ALLIANCE, 1865-70 -- Paraguayan Dictator Francisco Solano Lopez imprudently declared war on Argentine, Brazil and Uruguay resulting in the death of a large part of his male population and the devastation of his country.

THE TRIPLE ALLIANCE -- Germany, Austria-Hungary and Serbia, 1882, vs THE TRIPLE ENTENTE -- France, Britain and Russia, 1907. Result: World War I.

THE SECOND TRIUMVIRATE, Rome, 43BC -- Octavian, Marc Antony and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus. Antony committed suicide and Octavian took the power from Lepidus.

ADOLPH HITLER, HERMANN GOERING, and HEINRICH HIMMLER, 1933-1945. The Holocaust, followed by their suicides.

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA, SENATOR HARRY REID (D-NV) and REPRESENTATIVE NANCY PELOSI (D-CA) -- Presently embarked on a course to nullify the Constitution and create a society of people completely dependent upon the government. Fond of punishing those who demur.

EXTRA: Infamous "scientists:"
Dr. Josef Mengele -- Nazi Angel of Death
Margaret Sanger -- eugenicist
Dr. Jack Kervorkian -- suicide guru
Dr. Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyl and Dr. Strangelove -- fictional loonies
Dr. Donald Berwick -- recess appointed Obama health care rationer

Saturday, July 10, 2010

KNVN-TV, NBC Channel 24

Although the station refused to renew the contracts of my favorite anchors, apparently because they wanted to be paid what they were worth, the email segment has returned in an abbreviated form. So, when they asked my opinion, I provided the following snarky comment, and it appeared on the air:

"Of course, American employers are free to discriminate against smokers, and consumers are also free not to purchase the goods and/or services provided by those companies. We call that free enterprise."

Friday, July 09, 2010

Seriously. . .

The U.S. Civil War was fought, in large part, over states' rights. Actually, it is still claimed as the only cause by many in the South. Just as slavery was an underlying cause of that conflict, the Obama regime is using the issue of immigration to foment a possible new civil war. His Justice Department is suing the State of Arizona for proposing to administer the very same immigration laws that the federal government has been unable or unwilling to enforce.

As usual, the Constitution settles the issue: The 10th Amendment says, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." Therefore, anything less than a prompt dismissal of the case will demonstrate just how far the Obama courts have gone down the path of attempted destruction of the Constitution.

Thursday, July 08, 2010


I spent my childhood in a medium-sized city in Michigan. My friends and I regularly talked about "moving to the big city when we grew up." For me, I believe that was New York City, because that's the home of the Metropolitan Opera. Unfortunately, the closest I came to that was to make the acquaintance of Russell Christopher, a young man who studied with my voice teacher; and, later, had a long career singing small roles as a member of the Met chorus.

Meanwhile, I have lived and worked in a series of small and medium-sized cities. So much for the dreams of youth. Also, as a result, I was never aware that, apparently, on every corner in "the big city," there is a venue for stand-up comedians. . . judging by the thousands who have appeared on TV's "The Last Comic Standing." Even more disappointing is the fact that my two favorites so far, Carmen Lynch and a young man whose name I vowed to remember, but have forgotten, have already been eliminated; and what's the chance I will ever go to any big city to see them again at one of that plethora of comedy clubs?

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

My response

A Bob Jones criticized my letter to the editor of the Sacramento Bee with a letter of his own. My letter was in response to an article by a Bruce Dancis. Ignoring Jones' attempts to insult me, I responded:

"I believe that there is very little wrong with the American health care and immigration systems. My criticism of Bruce Dancis was that I have yet to hear that he offered to pay for the "free" British health care he received which someone else may have covered. An American, at home or abroad, should expect only those health services he or she can afford. Good Americans realize they must have worked or are working now to pay for their health care and/or insurance.

"Properly administered and enforced, U.S. immigration policy is also fine. [Sometime after my grandparents arrived, some laxity began to allow people to enter the U.S. illegally more frequently.] Today, we should instantly deport all illegal aliens, but welcome them to our embassies and consulates in their countries of origin. There, if they can prove they have worked a specific length of time (possibly, three or more years) in America, learned enough English to carry on a conversation, invested all their earnings in the local economy, and are willing to study to become U.S. citizens, they should receive visas to return immediately. All others, including new applicants, should be required strictly to observe the procedures already written into immigration law."


Thursday, July 01, 2010

Still true

The fact that one vote counts has never been more obvious than in the two recent decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court affirming the Second Amendment. By 5-4, the Court still honors the wishes of the founders and the will of the majority. Democracy still lives, for now.

Scary, however, is President Obama's avowed intention to reverse the direction of those votes, so that the five will be those who would emasculate the Constitution, and reduce America to a second-rate nation, or worse. Well, he can always go live in his brother's hut in Kenya, but where will we go?

RECOMMENDED: If you're looking for funny cops this summer, check out "The Good Guys" (Fox, 9 pm, Mondays), starring the son of Hanks and Bradley Whitford (the producer). Also, a parade of pretty girls and exaggeratedly viscious killers populate the landscape (Vancouver, I assume), and our heroes stumble upon and resolve serious matters while searching for "boxes full of crime," and minor bad guys. If nothing else, it certainly provides a nice break from the unrelenting "crying over accidentally spilled oil" that the Obama regime and its state-run media are constantly imposing on us. It's not our fault; why should we be punished?