Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Friday, April 28, 2006


A large body of foreigners has declared war on the United States. The conflict is scheduled to accelerate on May 1. On that day, l2 million foreign citizens (illegal immigrants) threaten to shut down several American cities with protests and demonstrations. If one shot happens to be fired, that would be, by definition, an act of war. So let us pray that, during the screaming and shouting and flag burning, no one starts a war by firing a weapon.

This action is closer to the classic definition of war than anything that's happening in Iraq, and if war occurs, how do we define those Americans who are aiding and abetting these foreigners in their bellicose activities?

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Democracy Now

From time to time, late at night on PBS, I watch a piece of garbage called Democracy Now, just for the laughs. It is invariably an hour of government bashing and/or a big pity party. Last night it did not disappoint, but this time I was mildly disturbed. During business hours, they interviewed a young mother, a survivor of Katrina, who was residing in a FREE trailer provided by FEMA and living on food stamps. She had the temerity to complain about the FREE services that her government was providing for her: the place smelled, the food sucked, she couldn't afford to move to better digs, etc. Nowhere in this diatribe did I hear one word about job-seeking or employment training. Democracy Now commiserated with her instead of suggesting she "get over it," and go get a job.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Otherworldly Honor

"Even among astronauts, Neil Armstrong gets special respect - he was ,after all, the first man to walk on the moon." [Hah!]

"On Tuesday, the Apollo 11 astronaut got a piece of the moon rock he brought back to Earth. 'I get to keep it myself only so long as I speak today. So I'm going to be talking longer than usual,' Armstrong, 75, joked. . ."

Could he, in his jocularity, be getting ready to do his version of a "Deep Throat" revelation?

Saturday, April 15, 2006


"Why don't we annex Mexico; make it the 51st state?" (LittleIodine)

" Don't forget to file your taxes; 12 million illegal immigrants are depending on you." (Rush)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

To Clarify

I am not in favor of killing anyone, but with an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants already in the country, we must prevent the incursion of more of them, at least until we've dealt with the ones already here. American citizens must start to do that "work that Americans won't do," because that's how self-respecting Americans behave.

And please remember that the recent demonstrations were orchestrated by Ted Kennedy and his party primarily to generate votes. Just listen to what he said.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


CAUTION: Some super-sensitive persons could find the following controversial.

The threat of death is a strong incentive, and actual death is an effective deterrent. However, even I (who has suggested that illegal immigrants, upon their second incursion into the U. S., be put against the wall and shot) think that execution might be a LITTLE harsh. It is fascinating, however, to contemplate how many deaths would be enough to stop illegal immigration.

Now, in my local newspaper, a war veteran has suggested placing land mines along the border. (Sounds like the name of an old John Wayne movie, "Land Mines Along the Border," made the same year as, "Bear Traps in the Valley," and "Pit Bulls of the Purple Sage.") Just as with the firing squad option, we would prominently display signs, circulate pamphlets, and advertise in the media on both sides of the border. The message would be: "Please stay home; you could die."
When some do die, how many more will be willing to try?

Monday, April 10, 2006


Why do realtors in their advertisement say that they can't be realtors until they have completed ethics training? Merriam-Webster defines ethics as "the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation." Do you really want to do business with a mature adult who has to be taught right from wrong?

A MODEST PROPOSAL (Remember, you saw it here.) Why don't we annex Mexico; make it the 51st state? Think about it.

Sunday, April 02, 2006


"Make sure the words coming out of your mouth will hold our attention."-- Deep House Dish (SNL)