Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Thursday, November 22, 2012

I also did so

Although we had a lovely early Thanksgiving on Sunday, today, first born cooked up another turkey, and now we have leftovers for days to come.  Mmm.  .  .  leftovers.

As established by President Lincoln, the day was declared a national holiday to commemorate the first feast when the Pilgrim's thanked God for a bountiful harvest.  I felt I had to do likewise before the Obama administration succeeded in taking God away as appears to be his wont.  Sieg Heil

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The rest of the letter

Now, more about the election.

Only American citizens can vote, and all voters are equal, so their ballots should reflect only each individual's wants and needs without the input of parties, unions, or any other groups such as those which emphasize racial, ethnic, religious or gender differences.  I realize that forming one's own opinions can be work, but the best America can only be achieved by citizens who care enough to do so.

We are beginning to see the damage that has been done by those who allowed prejudicially opinionated activist groups to tell them how to vote in the recent election.  For instance, the stock market is already tanking, and employers are shedding workers in anticipation of massive tax increases and oppressive regulation.  In addition, if something isn't done soon, in just over a year, 2000+ pages of Obamacare will descend upon us like the plague, and government control will supplant any semblance of free will in our lives.

If corporations are not people, then neither are all organizations founded to influence elections.  "Group think" is from twentieth century fiction which parodied Karl Marx.  I have always instinctively known right from wrong, and I'm betting most of you, my fellow individual human beings, do too.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The non-apology

In my last letter I gave less than flattering physical descriptions of three often seen annoying Democrats, and because it is unlikely that they believe they are unattractive, I feel I should say that it may have been insensitve of me to point it out.

(The rest of this letter about the election will be posted when and if it is published.)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Second class

I realize it's not the fault of the Obama administration, but because the election has rendered me moody and unhappy, I must express my disappointment. now, on the occasion of Veterans' Day, with the fact that I am considered a second-class veteran.

The period between the end of the Korean conflict and the Vietnam War is designated as the Cold War, and persons such as I, who served in the Army then, are ineligible for at least two veterans' benefits I know of, which I could now use  --  a monthly stipend to help with long-term care, and burial in a military cemetery.

Apparently, the fact that I wasn't shot at during my service is the deal breaker, even though I was posted less than 600 miles from Berlin with its infamous wall, and possibly teeming with neo-Nazis.  On many occasions I was obliged to walk the streets of France in my military uniform, which, I maintain, said, "If you hate Americans, here's one you can shoot,"*  Yet, no full benefits for me.

You don't suppose President Obama cares, do you?  How about those California liberals who voted to allow union leaders to disrespect their members by failing to ask them how they want their political dollars spent?

*DON'T MISUNDERSTAND:  Every French person I encountered (except one small group of drunken paratroopers) was charmingly polite and helpful.  However, I did hear that Elvis and others stationed in Germany were always on alert (armed and ready).  But it was the "Cold War."

RECOMMENDED:  "An Unfinished Life' (2005) starring Morgan Freeman, Robert Redford, Jennifer Lopez (the second most attractive woman in the movies), and a bear.  Only one scene was too maudlin, and although the plot was predictable, the dialogue was crisply competent.  And did I tell you, there was a bear?  I love bears.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Will the E-R publish this?

Barack Obama nauseates me.  Before you are tempted to accuse me of racism, be informed that pasty-faced Harry Reid, botox-enhanced Nancy Pelosi and David Axelrod, who looks like a weasel, also turn my stomach.  The prospect of having them continue to infect my life for the next four years has made me mean, and, evidently, as nasty as a liberal.

I can only imagine what the President meant when he said he would be "more flexible" with Russia's President Putin, who would love to rule the world.  This from the man who is already targeting people such as me  --  male, conservative, old and white.  .  .  and I don't consider that statement the least bit paranoid.

I am also angry with anyone who voted to allow these people to sell our American exceptionalism to lesser nations, foster class envy among our own people, and inflict the oppressive taxation and threats of punishment inherent in "affordable" Obamacare upon us, while describing the theft of $716 billion from Medicare as "compassion."

I can't imagine how anyone could be so misinformed or greedy as to accept this faux magnanimity that will be extorted from hard-working citizens and their employers whose "richness" used to be reinvested to provide more jobs.

I regret I cannot offer any solution to the impending disaster except to hunker down, support our local conservative representatives, and hope those voters who aren't lazy and avaricious will come to realize the big mistake they made in this election.

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Two of my favorite pundits

"PRESIDENT:  The leading figure in a small group of men of whom  --  and of whom only  --  it is positively known that immense numbers of their countrymen did not want any of them for president."  --  Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary (1906)

ELECTION CHOICES:  "One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other to total extinction.  Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly."  --  Woody Allen

AND ONE IDIOT'S ADVICE TO THE FUTURE PRESIDENT:  "Forgive student loans.  .  .  Education should be free.  People are saddled with such extreme debt  --  and without jobs.  .  .  People shouldn't feel guilty about debt.  .  .  ."  --  Hopi Wilder, acupuncturist who apparently borrowed heavily  to get a master's degree, but feels deprived.

What DOES she feel guilty about?  Or isn't the word "guilt" in a liberal's vocabulary?

Friday, November 02, 2012


On my recent ballot there were eleven initiatives.  They are how the people of California are allowed to pass laws the legislators were too lazy or incompetent to contemplate.  I maintain I elected them to do the job, and I object to having to do it myself.

Therefore, I voted "yes" on only one of the propositions.  It dealt with an issue that I have been fighting since the mid-seventies.  Despite my victorious lawsuit and numerous others, unions continue to use part of their dues to finance political persons and causes with which not all payers agree.  ONCE AGAIN this proposition will try to make them stop this  improper behavior.  Thirty-five-plus-years is long enough.

With the ten remaining propositions I voted "no" on seven of them.  Most of those raised the taxes which my legislators didn't have the guts to enact, because they didn't want  us to remember how they squandered the money we had already given them.  The final three I left blank.  One sought to abolish the death penalty, and although, like abortion, it's a sin, I suspect it might be a deterrent, so I am conflicted when asked to make a decision.

My second blank proposition tried to tell auto insurance companies how to determine their rates.  I object to government interfering in private enterprise.  It's certainly not my business.  Companies differ, and I'm free to buy any policy I like.

Finally, an earlier proposition which I opposed, created a commission to replace the legislators for redistricting.  Others objected , but the state supreme court refused.  I respect that decision, and ignored this latest attempt to circumvent the court.

NOTE TO SELF:  To avoiding Walmart, add Petsmart.  At 8:58 p.m. on November 1, I saw their first 2012 TV Christmas ad.

CORRECTION:  It seems, earlier, Kohl's had aired a "holiday" commercial.  It's unlikely I would have ever shopped there, anyway.