Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Friday, March 31, 2006


Tonight, on "Without a Trace," (CBS) a fifteen-year-old boy, trying to raise his young siblings, explained the meal he had just prepared with the words, "It's funny- tasting food night."

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Drunk Driving

Out in California, a member of the People in the Majority Party (PIMP) has proposed a law to require those who have been convicted of a second DUI to purchase (at great cost) and display on their vehicle, a red license plate with "DUI" imprinted on it. This is a truly silly idea.
I'm a firm believer in the concept of a second chance, but that should be it. I would suggest, if a person is convicted of a second DUI, his/her driver's license should be permanently revoked and his/her vehicle should be impounded and sold to pay all fines and costs of rehabilitation with any excess being donated to a non-profit group such as MADD. If that former driver is ever caught driving again (drunk or sober) he or she should be imprisoned for five years. After release, if the former driver is caught behind the wheel yet again, he/she should be imprisoned under the prevailing three strikes law.
Let's be serious about getting drunk drivers off the road.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Personal Responsibility and Freedom

I have been deleted for using the name of the Party Out of Power (POOP). These are the people who will say and/or do anything to return to power. They can't accept that the majority of the people of the U. S. reject their program. Consequently, in their frustration, POOP is trying to politicize everything, even those things which are apolitical. Two such issues which should be outside the purview of government are abortion and marriage, but the POOP keeps milking them for their perceived political benefit. The POOP also seems to want to continue to strip the poor of all self-respect and make them dependent on the government so they will vote "POOP" to keep their entitlements.
In an earlier post, I said I didn't want to be controversial. So far, I haven't been, unless someone has something other than rhetoric to refute what American freedom gives me the right to say.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Mr. President

I am offended by people who refer to the President as "Bush" instead of President Bush or George W. Bush. Even the most militant religious radical wouldn't call the Pope "Benny." Let's show a little respect for the office. Thank you.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Another Question

"Science" says that millions of years ago a good part of the earth was covered in ice, and that a "global warming" occurred which eventually created the world of today. What I want to know is, which dinosaurs owned the giant industries and drove the big SUVs that created the greenhouse gasses that brought about that thawing?

Saturday, March 18, 2006

A Question

Why do you suppose the Wachovia Corporation chooses to pronounce its name "walk-ove(r)-ya," instead of the more user-friendly "watch-ove(r)-ya?"

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Let's Abolish:

Political Parties
Office seekers should state exactly what they believe and voters should select those whose beliefs most approximate their own.
Organized Religion
Moral people know right from wrong. Also, God doesn't want your money. People who build gaudy temples and live comfortable lives on contributions are frauds.
Ubiquitous Nutritional Reports
One day it's good for you, the next day it isn't. What is really bad for you is the amount of your tax money squandered on these suppositions.
Government Interference in Sex and Marriage
Once again, moral people know right from wrong. If you suspect you don't, visit one of those temples and maybe someone will be able to set you straight.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

What's Next?

I have been talking about personal responsibility and freedom. I consider these crucial in today's world. When I came upon OPE I thought I might have found an audience for my message, but apparently it is populated with those who are enjoying life in a rich fantasy world. I wish them the best and hope reality doesn'jump up and bite them some day. God forbid that I should prompt anyone to think about the future. So, I guess, maybe, I should move on before I start getting controversial.

Saturday, March 11, 2006


To be clear, I am a Euro-American who's not rich, doesn't smoke or drink, and is not homosexual. Then there's Rob "Meathead" Reiner. (Don't get me started on celebrities who think their political opinions are somehow more valid that yours and mine.) He was instrumental in punishing smokers by appealing to the holier-than-thou voters. Now he's supporting Proposition 82 to punish the rich to raise money for another one of his pet projects. That should garner the votes of the envious. I can hardly wait to see how "Meathead" plans to fleece whites, heterosexuals and drinkers.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

The Strongman

Yesterday I talked about the possibility of civil war in Iraq and the emergence of the Strongman. If he isn't hanged, his name could be Saddam Hussein. But whoever he is (and,ladies, take note,it will be a man and it will be back to the burqa for you) he will suddenly "find" (dig up/go get/buy back) those weapons of mass destruction that "don't exist," and bomb, gas,and/or infect all his political enemies (and thousands of innocent bystanders). The United Nations will sit on their thumbs and say, "Naughty, naughty," and ask the United States for more money with which to do nothing. The French and Germans will continue to be smug, and the Russians and Chinese will continue to plot the conquest of the world.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

PS to Cindy

On your way back to Berkeley, you can take solace in the fact that, with you or without you, two groups of Iraqi "religious" extremists have begun to kill each other and, although the Administration denies it, this sub-human behavior could lead to civil war. Even someone as stubborn as President Bush has to concede the possibility that some strongman will take Saddam Hussein out and hang him (a la Mussolini) and plunge the country back into the Middle Ages. That may make it appear that Iraq doesn't want our help any more, and we can go home. God bless your son and God bless America.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

A Letter

Dear Ms Cindy Sheehan,
Please go home; your house may be overrun with rodents and cockroaches. You are being manipulated by other vermin who hate our country and would see it brought down and become subservient to the rest of the world. Please stop dishonoring your son who volunteered to serve and protect his country. God bless your son and America.

Friday, March 03, 2006

One More Thing

I realize that nobody is reading me, butI like to vent from time to time. I really hate the idea of school officials allowing their heads to be shaved if students accomplish some goal (better test scores, reading a pant-load of books, etc.). Why don't these misguided "educators" just let the kids spit in their faces to get the ultimate demeaning experience?