On this, my trombonic birthday, I present five of my recent email submissions to my local NBC affiliate. The first two have already been used; the third and fourth may yet be. Last week, the station let me criticize NBC for showing "The Biggest Loser," and they also printed my repudiation of reality presented here. I value their willingness to present all viewpoints.
For years, the people of California elected school boards, the school boards hired superintendents, and the superintendents hired teachers and principals. It created the best educational system in the U.S. What makes the government think they can improve on that?
There are terrorists in every country in the world. Heck, there was one at Ft. Hood. Everyone entering the U.S. should be submitted to exactly the same stringent scrutiny [rather than profiling travelers from selected countries].
Technology, religion and government are three separate things, and the less each interferes with the others, the better our lives will be. The best way "to promote the general welfare" is to encourage creativity, respect freedom, and keep government out our everyday lives.
Giant savings could be had if government weeded out millions of instances of fraud being perpetrated by illegal aliens, deadbeats who refuse to work, those who fake disabilities, and anyone else who knowingly accepts an entitlement which he or she does not deserve. In addition, government income increases when taxes are cut, and that should be done to encourage employment.
I want to thank my fellow viewers for joining me in ignoring Jay Leno in prime time. What we want is the return of good dramas at 10 p.m., but what do you bet we'll get more cheap reality nonsense? [Is it a permanent "Goodbye NBC" at ten?] (USED AS [EDITED].)
BY THE WAY: My children and I once spent a night in the "Meredith Willson Suite" (room) in a motel in Iowa City. The "continental breakfast" was a donut and coffee.