Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Friday, September 21, 2012


If you're offended by porcelain, you should stop reading now, because I'm going to be talking about my new toilet.  Who could have imagined that a new throne could be so uplifting?  Literally, the installer referred to it as "the throne," and he built a 5" tall box which raises it up for my comfort.  It's heavenly, and has a satisfying whoosh.  How pathetic is my life that a new Kohler makes me so happy?  By the way, one of the two best brands of thrones came with a defective valve which had to be replaced immediately.  Must be Chinese porcelain.

It is common knowledge that 47% of Americans pay no income tax.  The plight of those who are working and not earning enough to have to file is lamentable.  Willard the Mitt, however, referred to that large number of lazy louts who don't want to work, and have found a way to suckle the public teat.  He called them victims, which they are.  Liberalism has robbed them of self-respect and the joy of personal achievement, and Mitt's words were not only inoffensive but uplifting.  I am encouraged that he understands the nature and extent of the problem.

BY ANOTHER WAY:  The installer is a contractor who specializes in remodels and who also has horses, and with whom first born has a barter agreement for each others' services.   He regaled me with stories of how excessive government regulations have negatively impacted his business.  He also put me off solar with his tales of how his solar powered home requires constant, expensive maintenance.  We are appparently of one mind.

FYI:  We sold the 1987 Aerostar before it nickel and dimed us to death.  For a minute there earlier today, when a sputtering vehicle drove by, we held our breath, because we don't know how to explain "As is" in Spanish.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Sell sugary drinks in a special 6 ounce container for the price you now charge for your 16 ouncer.  Then offer free unlimited refills, and stick your tongue out at the idiots who enacted the stupid law.

FYI: Political screed (see below) has been published.  Today's submission is about the idiocy of having standarized test scores impact teacher evaluations.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Hey, Michelle

I'm no prude, but it seems wrong to me that simulated sex is now being shown on network prime-time TV.   Even though it was 10:30 p.m., and the children should have been in bed, I allowed myself to be offended by "The New Normal," not so much for me, but for any immature minds who may have seen it.  Apparently, the makers of this trash, while portraying the homosexual content quite sensitively, seem to want to tell us that having heterosexual sex for all to see is also normal.  It's not; it's pornographic, and it's bad enough it can be found on cable/satellite TV, or purchased by mail.  We might have less of it viewed if everyone still had to visit the sleazy back rooms of video stores, and risk the embarrassment of being seen renting it.

Perhaps, we have lost the concept of embarrassment along with God and the truth.  Maybe Michelle Obama should stop worrying about what we eat, and start speaking out against her husband's repudiation of God, his lies, and what is on TV for her daughters to see.

Friday, September 07, 2012

The last (definitive) pre-election screed

Americans are saddled with two annoyingly viable political parties, neither of which has an exclusive grasp of the truth.  Over the years, most of their members have discovered how to convert public service into their own personal cash cows, and being re-elected has been their primary goal.  It is difficult to believe that pandering for votes and refusing to negotiate with others are in the public interest.   Blame whom you will, but it appears we must either eliminate political parties or give one of the them a clear majority before anything will ever be done again.

At this late date in the process, it is unlikely that very many Americans have not already decided how they will vote, and the few who say they haven't are uninformed and/or disinterested.  No one needs their votes.  I maintain that if you're not ready to vote today, you never will be.  The conventions have drawn the lines; get out your crayons and color inside them.

Here are the choices.  Do you want to continue down the path of destruction we have gone for almost four years, or do you want to try something different?  Keep in mind, however, that the difference we are talking about must harken back to a time when everybody worked for what they got, nobody expected the government to support them, and personal responsibility created the freedom we all used to enjoy.  If you aren't ready for that change, be prepared to sell your soul to the devil for a few crusts of bread.

FYI:  The misnamed talent show is down to six finalists:  an artist who paints in sand, an artist who paints with paint, a man who creates and plays unusual musical-type instruments, a mediocre stand-up comic, a large group of young agile dancing children, and a charming dog act.  Missing are three of my former favorites:  Irving, the "talking" dog, the amazing acrobatic couple, and the mindreader, any one of which I enjoyed more than those who remain.