Such galatic dips of abstraction --
sumptuous, celestial, laced
within the figuring oils themselves,
so blued rick-rack of Victorian stick
style with plume bright white as it
mirrors a lighthouse in swelling
orthonogal swells of light; electric
cobalt blue steel rimming the
windows, then chiseling a chimney.
much as atoms pack and hive
into the shapes; thus abstraction
shores up ground, lends it (flying
buttress) supreme weight."
-- Christina Pugh
Huh? Orthonogal?
Christina P-U'S new collection, Grains of the Voice, will be published this spring. I suggest you avoid it. I read this "poem" in a copy of The Atlantic, a magazine to which I recently inadvertently subscribed.
FYI: My children and I have appeared on television. . . they, before ten years of age, and I, in my late teens. Yesterday, while watching the local TV news, I espied my Chevy S-10. First born had borrowed him to help out at Animal Control in the town that houses Rinky-Dink U. You remember. . . the one with the president who is leading a community forum on drunkenness while failing publically to suspend or expel any of the students involved.
Anyway, TV was interviewing the clinic's director in the parking lot, right in front of my truck, and I said, "Hey!" There he was, at age 19, having his moment in the lens.