Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Apparently, I am in a minority that still considers assassination to be a cowardly act, and that President Obama's ordering the killing of Osama bin Laden was something less than honorable.  How far we have sunk when the majority of our government officials are mean, hateful liars who applaud the cold-blooded murder of an unarmed and basically undefended human being.  Woe unto those who do not recognize the immorality that such behavior has inflicted upon this nation.

Personally, I would feel far more gratified seeing bin Laden behind bars in what we think of as a Turkish prison, awaiting a series of appeals which we know will either be rejected or never come.  Polluting the ocean is too good a fate for him.  We should have incarcerated him, and now be feeding him the dreadful food to which I was subjected in that Medicare-mandated "skilled nursing facility."

OUR DEFERENTIAL PRESIDENT refers to the animals who assassinated our ambassador and three other Americans as "folks."  My dictionaries imply that folks are familially social human beings, so the President might find a better name for those hateful, murderous beasts.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Haps

I have voted by mail for any and all candidates who promise to reverse the evil perpetrated by the Obama administration.  I continue to be amazed that any sentient being would support a President who lies, who proposes to increase taxes exponentially, who approves of assassination, and who, with his wife, wants to control all aspects of everyone's lives.  If you didn't like the last four years, be prepared to see it get worse if President Obama is re-elected.  Sieg Heil!

The World Series starts today.  My allegiance is torn between the Detroit Tigers, whom I have always loved, and the San Francisco Giants, my local team of choice.  I have only had the opportunity to attend three MLB games.  Sometime in the '40s. I saw the long forgotten southpaw, Stubby Overmire, lose to the old Washington Senators 1-0.  Many years later, I saw them defeat the Oakland Athletics, and the Anaheim (now called LA) Angels.  I have grown less nostalgic because I remember that it's mostly about the money.  Over the years, loyalty has really taken a beating, and, of course, Stubby is undoubtedly dead.

FYI:  Using a book I received at Christmas, I "cleaned and defragmented" my disk.  No improvement yet.  Do I need dynamite?

Monday, October 15, 2012


I went to high school and junior college with Jack Clifford.  He was my best friend.  I now know I wasn't his, and today he is the wealthy snob who created the Food Channel and a large chunk of other cable media.  Today, you can hire him as a consultant, but he doesn't want to talk to me.

Conversely, my other celebrity contact died recently.  Before he was a popular actor, emcee, and commercial spokeman, Gary Collins (1938-2012) served in the Army with me.  We acted in a play together, and hung out like buddies.   When he returned to California he married 1959 Miss America, Mary Ann Mobley, who now survives him.  I knew him as a really nice guy.  I would like to imagine that if I had contacted him, he would have remembered fondly, and not treated me like Jack did.

THE OLDER I GET, the faster the time passes.  I bought two tires eight years ago, and two more two years later.  I drove only 20,000 miles on the two older ones, but when one developed a bubble, the tire guy convinced first born to replace all of them.  Eight years ago seems like only yesterday.  I don't even remember  checking the air pressure.  Of course, because of liberal waste, the price has more than doubled.

FYI:  Credit for unused tread only applies to tires that MUST be replaced.