Apparently, I am in a minority that still considers assassination to be a cowardly act, and that President Obama's ordering the killing of Osama bin Laden was something less than honorable. How far we have sunk when the majority of our government officials are mean, hateful liars who applaud the cold-blooded murder of an unarmed and basically undefended human being. Woe unto those who do not recognize the immorality that such behavior has inflicted upon this nation.
Personally, I would feel far more gratified seeing bin Laden behind bars in what we think of as a Turkish prison, awaiting a series of appeals which we know will either be rejected or never come. Polluting the ocean is too good a fate for him. We should have incarcerated him, and now be feeding him the dreadful food to which I was subjected in that Medicare-mandated "skilled nursing facility."
OUR DEFERENTIAL PRESIDENT refers to the animals who assassinated our ambassador and three other Americans as "folks." My dictionaries imply that folks are familially social human beings, so the President might find a better name for those hateful, murderous beasts.