I pray my census saga is over. Cute little Leticia Enriquez came to my door yesterday, and said she didn't remember my earlier phone call to her. She had left me a billet doux 2-3 weeks ago, and I talked to her on the Ameche. I told her our little hovel housed two adults, declined to give her my name, but gave her our phone number because "someone from 'The Census' might call to verify she hadn't lied to them." She looked trustworthy to me.
She "forgot" that conversation, and reappeared at our door. She's in her last week of work, and I got the impression she wouldn't be paid if she couldn't get my name. I didn't even think of lying, but then, I never do, and I'm proud of my name and American heritage.
Now that they have my name, someone at "The Census" may call to ask me those other questions I don't believe I have to answer. I suppose they think they're doing "scientific research," but I suspect that somehow, someone will be negatively impacted by some of the incomplete information they will glean. Especially during the Obama regime.
Here in California, where the majority of the population is Hispanic, it was easy to profile Leticia. The charming accent sealed the deal. I assume "The Census" saw her "papers" before they hired her. I didn't ask. Did I mention she was cute?
UPDATE: Moments ago, I received a phone call from another "The Census" person. She wanted my birthdate, and first born's name and birthdate. She said that would end it, but then, so did Leticia. This new enumerator THREATENED that more people would be coming to my door if I didn't respond, and the word "fine" was heard when I asked, "What if I don't tell them, either?" She was a nice lady with a thankless job, so after I jerked her around for a while, I gave up the information, although I'm not convinced I had to.
What's next? Guantanamo? After all, both women had apparently been severely admonished not to lie, because liberals have a real problem with honesty.