Recent TV submissions
The new Secretary of the Treasury didn't "make a little mistake" with his taxes; he deliberately attempted to avoid paying them. The President, who promised to run the crooks out of government, has just added one to his Cabinet. (USED)
The Supreme Court, surrendering to human weakness, made abortion legal. In the Obama administration this will not change, because pandering to weakness will become the order of the day. (USED)
The most dependable source of unbiased news is Rush Limbaugh. Whether or not you stay tuned for his commentary and humor is a reflection of your bias, but the descriptions of the events are completely accurate.
The first thing Hillary Clinton should do is divorce Bill. She doesn't need him any more, because if she considers being Secretary of State more prestigious than being a Senator, she has reached the pinnacle of her career; and, of course, she'll never be President as long as Sarah Palin is available.
Nancy Pelosi is wrong when she says abortion is good for the economy, but the more people who die, the more it will help to clear the air, so we can keep driving our comfortable, gas-guzzling smoke belchers, instead of those ugly little urban golf carts.
For centuries, education consisted of a teacher imparting his knowledge to one person or a small group of eager learners. Much of this was even done in the great outdoors. Adding nice buildings, fancy equipment, and so-called experts won't make the teachers any better. Good books and teachers are the program. (PENDING)