Please forgive me for treating the subject of the General Motors takeover with humor and sarcasm. It is very serious that the "smiling Hitler" has taken a giant step toward totalitarianism and away from freedom. Let's start with a little history.
In 1938, Hitler ordered the State to build the Volkswagen ("the People's Car"), and placed the Labor Front, the group which took over after he dissolved the unions, in charge. Not a single car was ever produced before the factory was turned to the manufacture of military equipment. Now, seventy-one years later, the Obama administration has directed that certain American car lines be added, deleted and altered, as though politicians knew how to run the automobile industry. Under all the restrictions which now exist and are being proposed, it's not inconceivable that General Motors, and later, Chrysler, may never be able to build another car.
Without Poland to invade, is the Obama administration eyeing Mexico, who is blaming us for their problems, the invasion of which would require additional military vehicles? The question is, can GM or Chrysler make a windmill powered Hummer or a tank with armored solar panels?
In summary, how long will everyday Americans stand for this power grab? While we still have the mechanism available to do something, we must stop this man who is attacking morality, and beginning to usurp our right to determine our own destiny.