Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Please forgive me for treating the subject of the General Motors takeover with humor and sarcasm. It is very serious that the "smiling Hitler" has taken a giant step toward totalitarianism and away from freedom. Let's start with a little history.

In 1938, Hitler ordered the State to build the Volkswagen ("the People's Car"), and placed the Labor Front, the group which took over after he dissolved the unions, in charge. Not a single car was ever produced before the factory was turned to the manufacture of military equipment. Now, seventy-one years later, the Obama administration has directed that certain American car lines be added, deleted and altered, as though politicians knew how to run the automobile industry. Under all the restrictions which now exist and are being proposed, it's not inconceivable that General Motors, and later, Chrysler, may never be able to build another car.

Without Poland to invade, is the Obama administration eyeing Mexico, who is blaming us for their problems, the invasion of which would require additional military vehicles? The question is, can GM or Chrysler make a windmill powered Hummer or a tank with armored solar panels?

In summary, how long will everyday Americans stand for this power grab? While we still have the mechanism available to do something, we must stop this man who is attacking morality, and beginning to usurp our right to determine our own destiny.

Monday, March 30, 2009

More bad news

The Obama administration has effectively taken over General Motors, and forced out the CEO. Now, we will have the National Car, similar to the Yugoslavian Yugo and the Soviet Russian Skoda, in their time, two examples of advanced technology and avant-garde styling. We will have to rename the vehicles named by the evil capitalists who invented them. They will all be small, boxy and ugly, and run on some, as yet undefined, fuel. For a lavish entry fee, you will be able to enter a contest to submit ideas for new names for cars, or formulae for something that will power them. On your computer, go to

My first entry: Rename the Saturn the Pluto (the downgraded planet). Wait, how about the Algore 2CV (after the famous propagandist)? Or perhaps, the Hussein, in honor of the President?

Friday, March 27, 2009


In college, about ten years after The War, I took an abnormal psychology course from a professor who had been an Army interrogator at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials. Naturally his book about the experience was the required text.

While he was discussing the various Nazis who had killed so many, and eventually committed suicide, I began to wonder how millions of everyday Germans had allowed such a bloodbath to occur. I understood that Hitler and his designated liar, Joseph Goebbels, were persuasive speakers, and their propagandist, Leni Riefenstahl, made powerful films, but how did they convince so many others to permit the evil that was growing around them?

--Fast forward about fifty years--

Defeated Germany remained at peace, its people were alert to neo-Nazis, and it appeared it wouldn't happen again. The quandry had been put on the back burner. Suddenly, Barack Obama appeared, spouting "hope and change." He was a slick reader of teleprompters, and he held rallies eerily reminiscent of those we saw in Riefenstahl's propaganda masterpiece, "Triumph of the Will." Mind-numbed people gazed adoringly , and absorbed the blah-blah-blah that sounded so good. While Hitler appealed to the hatred of Jews, Obama let people feel good about themselves because, as Joe Biden had said, he was "clean and articulate," and the first black man for whom many people could seriously sublimate their feelings of racism.

While I watched President Obama's recent "Address to the Nation," in which he articulated still more platitudes, I found myself, during the planned applause breaks, raising my arm and intoning, "Seig Heil!" Now, I understand how people can be caught up in the emotion which accompanies the fervent desire for things to be better. Unfortunately, upon reflection, much of what the President espouses is pure socialism/communism, and those philosophies have never improved life anywhere in the world.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Page 336B

DISSEMBLE -- . . . 1: to hide under a false appearance 2: to put on the appearance of: . . . to conceal facts, intentions or feelings under some pretense 1

It's so gratifying when one finds the exact word for any occasion. In my last post, I described President Obama as "smiling and dissembling," and, as you can see from the attached definition, the description is painfully accurate.

I have lived through the terms of twelve U.S. Presidents, and this is the first one whom I suspect doesn't have my best interests at heart. If I were superstitious, I would say that number thirteen frightens me. I believe he is "concealing" his virulent socialism, a jealousy of those who are industrious and productive, a repudiation of the Christian principles upon which our nation was founded, a disregard of the freedoms of speech and religion, and the foolish belief that he can appease terrorists.

How else can you interpret such comments as, "spreading the wealth around," "don't let morality stand in the way of science," "don't listen to Rush Limbaugh;" and such actions as rescinding the right of medical professionals to follow their consciences, and the Iranians' amused reaction to his televised message of conciliation?

And all this with a big Alfred E. Newman grin on his face. I'm sorry, but I've never trusted glad-handers and those who simper in the face of adversity.

1 Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition. 1994

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Two for Monday TV

AS SEEN: [I am growing really tired of government officials telling me what is "required" for me to exercise common sense.] I think I can determine when to wear a helmet, what to eat, what kind of light bulbs to use, and what kind of car I want, without some obnoxious official guidance.

The Nazis taught us that if you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth. So, Obama is appearing everywhere, smiling and dissembling, trying to sell his ill-conceived plan, but he will have to be careful that more political incorrectness doesn't slip into his faux-folksy off-teleprompter sports' references.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

More fascism (as published 3/29)

When the insurance giant AIG, which had generously contributed to many politicians' election campaigns, had financial difficulties, the Obama administration bailed them out to the tune of $182 billion. They installed the designated scapegoat, Edward Liddy, to oversee the enterprise, and he promptly gave a little less than one-tenth of one-percent of the money to executives who had earned, and a year previously, been promised, bonuses.

Now, Representative Barney Frank and others, feigning surprise and dismay, and in a fit of pure Hitlerite pique, threaten to take the money away from them, going so far as to suggest passing legislation of a potentially unconstitutional sort. One particularly virulent politician had even suggested the recipients commit ceremomial suicide, and then half-heartedly apologized. Is this more of that hope and change we were promised?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A comparison

The most obvious difference between Barack Obama amd Adolf Hitler is that Obama smiles more. (Actually, there are very few pictures of Der Fuhrer where he appears to be anything but very intense and less than happy.) Now, let us look at how the two men are similar.

Hitler was born in Austria, joined the German army, and went to prison where he wrote a book. Obama says he was born in Hawai'i (soon after it became a State), immersed himself in the corruption of Illinois politics, and wrote a book.

Hitler was a charismatic speaker, and Obama can give a barn-burner of a speech when he has the use of a teleprompter. It is scary to contemplate what Hitler could have done if he had had television available to him.

Hitler took over a country which was in a deep recession, and blamed it on the rich. In '30s Germany, most of the rich were Jews. Obama was elected President of a country with financial difficulties, and has proposed to punish the rich. To mention that many of them are Jews would not be politically correct.

Hitler closed the churches, driving religion underground. Obama has said that science is more important than morality. In the area of science, Hitler was a eugenicist, and Obama has embraced embryonic stem cell research. Obama also repudiates conscience, as regards the First Amendment rights of moral medical professionals.

Hitler surrounded himself with Joseph Goebbels and Heinrich Himmler, two pasty-faced weasels who resembled the disreputable Harry Reid and Patrick "Leaky" Leahy, right down to their steel-rimmed glasses. Obama has no cohort comparable to (Fat) Hermann Goering, however, because in the twenty-first century, obesity is not politically correct.

Hitler was the leader of the National Socialist German Workers' (Nazi) Party. Obama has advocated "spreading the wealth around," one of the basic tenets of the discredited political system of socialism.

All the Nazis mentioned above committed suicide. It would be nice to believe they did so out of guilt, but it's not likely. Democrat politicians don't feel guilt either, because, of course, they are never wrong.

Friday, March 13, 2009


TO TV: If black and brown dogs bit more people than yellow and white dogs, which ones would you watch more carefully? If dark brown horses won more horseraces than light brown and gray horses, which ones would you bet on? Does than illustrate human nature or common sense?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Grading Obama

AS SEEN ON TV: For being a big mouth and appearing on TV all the time, President Obama gets an A. For doing something signifcant, he earns an F. That averages out to a C, the grade you might give to a kindergartner who shows up every day and doesn't wet himself.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The end is near

TO TV: President Obama says that we shouldn't let morality stand in the way of "good science." What hope is there for a country whose leader has turned his back on God?

Monday, March 09, 2009

It's Barbie's 50th birthday

AS SEEN ON TV: [Rather than blaming politicians, bankers and businessmen for the state of the economy,] you might consider looking to those people who took out mortgages they knew they couldn't pay, those who signed up for credit cards with outrageous interest rates and paid the minimum, deadbeats who feign disabilities, and all others who claim government entitlements to which they have no right.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Magna cum whipped cream

I missed my grandson's graduation from Kitchen Academy, and I am going to unfairly blame it on science. Before I begin my complaint, however, I must tell you how proud I am to have a certified chef in my family. Even better, he says he's now going to specialize in pastry. Pastry is my life.

Anyway, on graduation day, I trimmed my beard and got ready for the trip. While waiting for departure time, I flipped on the Bravia, only to hear an advisory from the National Weather Service about what sounded like the storm of the century, and how it was bearing down on our pleasant little town. In the beginning, it was moving 20 MPH, carrying nickel-sized hail and a possible tornado, due to wreak devastation by 3:30 pm. As time progressed, it started to slow down, but hadn't lost any of its intensity, and the time frame was extended to 4:00, then 4:30, and eventually 6:00. At 5:00 pm, when the news came on, and it was too late to leave for the culinary festivities, they announced that the storm was stalled five miles south of town near the hamlet of Artois. (Parenthetically, Artois was originally named Germantown, but during one of the Great Wars, the local denizens decided to give it a French-looking name. I say looking, rather than sounding, because it has come to be called AR-toys.)

Needless to say, the storm turned out to be a dud. At 8:30 pm, it rained somewhat heavily for a short while, but in the morning, it was all sunny and stuff. Science had fooled me again, sounding like it knew something I didn't. I suppose I should have been suspicious when I heard no Artesians speak on TV. I guess I should be grateful that neither the house nor the horses were besieged, but the National Weather Service is no longer on my Christmas card list.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

The road to perdition (to The Bee)

The Obama administration is about to declare conscience obsolete by rescinding the sweeping federal protections that were granted in December to health care workers who refuse to provide care that violates their personal, moral or religious beliefs.

The issue arose when a doctor conscientiously objected to providing artificial insemination service to a lesbian, and was besieged by unreasonable activists. It would have been an elective procedure, and there is no reason a person, who has devoted years of training and considerable expense to his profession, should not be permitted to refuse to perform any elective procedure he opposes for any reason, medical or otherwise. Isn't that what American freedom is all about?

Any diminution of freedom, and attacks on conscience cannot be allowed to stand. Therefore, you might want the Obama administration to know that we cherish our liberty, and morality is important to us. Start being heard before it's too late.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Popular will (publication pending)

The job of at least one writer at AP-OBAMA could be hanging in the balance. In an article in today's pamphlet (20 pages), about how the California Supreme Court will be arguing why Proposition 8, prohibiting gay marriage, should stand or fail, he/she said, "The question is whether a majority of the justices will defer to popular will" or not. What a refreshing expression of truth -- to acknowledge the concept of "popular will," which, of course, is the very essence of all government in the United States of America. If the people have spoken, what is there to argue about?

If the California constitution has, in fact, been amended, all the Court can do is explain to those who are unhappy with the decision what procedure(s) exist to attempt to re-amend it. If the constitution has not been amended, the Court should explain to those who passed Proposition 8 how they may best legally express their will.