The Promise
I recommend to you the works of the titles of which include the word I promised not to write about.
"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"
I recommend to you the works of the titles of which include the word I promised not to write about.
Today, in that paper I read, Mr. Jerry Vorpahl has written a letter to the editor which says it all about education: "In. . .Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark. . .Iceland. . .Portugal, Holland , Belgium and parts of Germany, English is required beginning in the second or third grade, with fluency expected before graduation. Interestingly, we have no such requirement in this country."
Recently I wrote to, and was published by, a newspaper I read. They had written an editorial about the behavior of a judge in a neighboring county in which they included the blatantly racist comment, "The prospect of an unfair trial [of an African American woman] due to an all-white jury pool was obvious."
HERCULES (AP) -- "A San Francisco suburb voted Tuesday night to use the power of eminent domain to keep Wal-Mart Stores Inc. off a piece of city land after hearing dozens of residents who accused the big-box retailer of engaging in scare tactics to force its way into the bedroom community.
Late last night, I was watching my favorite to-laugh-at TV show hosted by Amy Goodman, where an attractive Indian woman was being interviewed. (Apparently, despite all our outsourcing, India is a living hell. The young Indian chronicled government oppression of all sorts including torture and death.) I stopped laughing. Then Amy characterized her as an author and an activist, and I suddenly realized that I could be in danger of becoming an activist. I have observations too, and all I lack is a world-wide forum in which to spout them.
I was sitting here pondering why I have increasingly lost confidence in science. Conflicting reports, specious evidence, lack of evidence, lies, obfuscations -- there is nothing some "scientists" won't engage in to prove their point. Then, of a sudden, I remembered what I had been taught about the "scientific method." Now I realize why I have always been skeptical, and after years of machinations, I have almost reached the point where I tend to reject most of what "scientists" say.
Marie Cocco (don't laugh) of the Washington Post (now, you can laugh) says that the illegal immigrants now being discussed are "the millions who desperately seek a better life in what they hope is a better place."
Much is being made of our being a nation of immigrants. However, the current immigration debate is over a different group of immigrants. Let us examine the difference.
There are rainstorms and flooding in Boston, but Massachusetts Senator Teddy Kennedy is still busy blaming President Bush for the lightning that struck his plane. So much merde, so little time.
On the way home from delivering the commencement address at the prestigious(?) Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, Teddy Kennedy's plane was struck by lightning. How will he be able to blame that on President Bush?
After a long night of whoring and Yahtzee, I have the urge to upset someone, specifically the people who enjoy watching automobiles being driven in circles to the left in the hope that explosions and/or death will ensue.
Sometimes, between programs on my local PBS (Pretty Bad Stuff) station, a chubby, terminally cheerful woman gathers some children together to create "art" from trash. She trots out old newspapers, magazines, toilet paper rolls, pieces of styrofoam of varied shapes and sizes, etc., and in 2-3 minutes forces the toddlers to make really unattractive pieces of useless stuff which their parents will have to lie about when praising their little darling's creativity. So what we have is a brief lesson on how to turn trash into trash. How productive. . .
I believe it would show some class if, immediately after hitting the home run to tie Babe Ruth, Barry Bonds would walk off the field, down the tunnel, up to the owner's box and announce his retirement.
My local newspaper said, ". . .U. S. newspapers continue to lose circulation, according to statistics released Monday, offering further evidence of the industry's struggles against television and the Internet."
Yo, Tomkat. A prenup isn't true love in any religion.
My neighbor has a lawn fetish. I believe that grass could be restricted to sporting fields and public parks and only because it could be a safety consideration. My neighbor and others have become slaves to the green stuff.
The great American dictionary maker Noah Webster was a renowned philanderer. One day Mrs. Webster found the wordsman in bed with the chambermaid.
It has been estimated the the immigration demonstrations drew about one million people. I would like to THANK the 10-11 million illegal immigrants who went to work and/or didn't protest. I also thank God (politically incorrect) that apparently no shots were fired.
Once again the government has let us down. Why didn't President Bush mobilize the NATIONAL GUARD to help those whose businesses were shut down by the immigration demonstrations? Where was FEMA? Businessmen who had to close may have considered it an emergency. Where were the religious ZEALOTS? They could have manned the cash registers and picked the fruits and vegetables of those who lost millions of dollars. How about PRESIDENTE FOX? He could have brought in a crew to help some businesses stay open. Or better yet, he could have recruited some American citizens to do that work.
It's May Day, the traditional Communist holiday. This is the day the Party Out of Power has chosen to troll for votes. In among the l2 million illegal immigrants they hope to find a few legal voters. They have encouraged them all to disrupt the functioning of our nation, and don't even object to children skipping school to dance around the May Pole. Now, you know, most children will take any opportunity to get out of class.