Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Friday, September 28, 2007

Not PC on TV

AS SEEN (Colusa High School is discussing dropping their name "Redskins."

Sport team nicknames are chosen to reflect pride and strength. Native Americans are famed for those qualities, and references to them are a tribute. In this politically correct society, almost any nickname might offend someone, [but using the name, the "Colusa Cupcakes," won't help.]

The best thing about Senator Mrs. Bill Clinton is that today she doesn't want to surrender. Of course, she could change her mind tomorrow. Any Republican candidate would be better. Actually, anyone not married to Slick Willie would be better.

NOT LIKELY TO BE SEEN (A rock painted purple as a memorial to someone who died on the adjacent section of road, inspired criticism of all those roadside "shrines," popular around here.)

Just as Whoopi tried to excuse dogfighting as a "southern cultural phenomenon," most of those roadside "memorials" are Latino cultural icons. Ain't diversity wonderful?

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Happy, happy (pause), joy

I've been quite negative lately, so I'm now looking for someone or something to say kind things about. Today, it's the pamphlet. Responding to criticism that they never ask our Representative, Wally Herger, why he votes the way he does, a reporter conducted an extensive interview with his press secretary.

It is astonishing how often Wally and I are in agreement. Because he has always been re-elected by a large margin, it is also encouraging to know that many of my neighbors are of the same opinion.

Wally feels it is not fiscally responsible to have the government pay for health insurance for children whose families could be earning as much as $60,000 a year. I agree, although I thought it was $80,000, and I believe the bill covers adult "children" to age 25. President Bush has vowed to veto it. Wally also recognizes that funding the health program with money extorted exclusively from smokers is discriminatory.

I feel Wally is wrong when he says he'd like to see more leeway for low-income parents to send their children to alternative schools, and fund them by vouchers. I believe the public schools will never improve, and could completely deteriorate if their funding is withdrawn or re-allocated.

Finally, I have always thought the interest on student loans was eminently reasonable, so Wally's opposition to a bill that would save students less than $7 per month when they repay their loans is also reasonable.

Three out of four ain't bad.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The visit

It turns out we needn't have worried about the visit of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Democrat from Tehran, to Columbia University. He was sandbagged by Lee Bollinger, the University president, who introduced him as a "petty and cruel dictator" who lacks "intellectual courage," has a "fanatical mindset," and may be "astonishingly undereducated."

Mahmoud survived that early onslaught by spouting Democrat talking points in response to questions from the students, until someone asked about homosexuals in Iran. His response, "In Iran, we don't have homosexuals, like in your country. We don't have that in our country. In Iran, we do not have this phenomenon. I don't know who's told you that we have it," drew laughter, because, in reality, homosexuality is an offense punishable by death in Iran. Of course, American Democrats pander to homosexuals (and everyone else) for their vote, so Mahmoud couldn't parrot that talking point.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Two for Sunday

I was rudely awakened from my Sunday nap by the words of Dr. Wayne Dyer on P-BS. The liberal claptrap was, "There is a time for the train to run on time, and a time for the train to be late." This from a man who congratulates himself for not having a drink of alcohol for twenty years. What's so miraculous about self-control?

Now, back to the train. The train is a tool we have created to serve us, and transport us to our destination when we want or need to be there. Unless you have no goals or aspirations, a late train is an anathema.

This Dyer clown is a chief fund-raiser for P-BS, and apparently he appeals to those weak-kneed viewers who have no self-control and are looking for some rationalization. Usually P-BS is pleased to get what donations they can, but Dyer is only pushing the $365 option, for which you will be sent a pant-load of philosophical nonsense. He lives in a mansion on the beach, because he sells this crap commercially, too. He also has a daughter who doesn't have a lick of talent, whom he thinks can sing. He has a pleasant and peaceful life. Lucky bastard.

Senator Mrs. Bill Clinton appeared on FoxNews Sunday. Her only response to Chris Wallace's first question regarding how she and her husband were super-political, was to throw back her head and emit an ear-splitting cackle, which turned out to be her idea of laughter. This, from the woman who keeps saying, "When I'm President. . . ." Maybe the volume of her "laughter" was intended to reach and make an impression on world leaders. She continued in a strident and bitchy manner, punctuating her remarks with additional laughter. Unlike the majority of the Senate, she did not condemn the "Betray Us' ad, and three times when she was asked, "Why?", she changed the subject. Bill was proud.

However, the comment from "President" Hillary that sent shivers down my spine was that there is "no military solution" in Iraq. President Bush does, and all future presidents must, understand that the only solution is military. The moment the Islamic extremists believe we will stop fighting, the war is lost. You can't negotiate with people who think they have won, and want you dead. They will only be convinced that it will be easier to kill you. You'll have to think about that every time you leave your house, unless you live in a large multiple housing unit, which is a tempting target in itself.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Moving on

I'm going to back off education for now (abolishing the school board and proselytizing teachers notwithstanding), and get to important things.

The 2007 "Last Comic Standing" has finally been selected. He's Jon Reep, the rustic from Hickory, N.C., who is anything but a dumb hick. I looked forward to his humor from the moment I heard his red, white and blue joke. However, I voted for the cute girl, Amy Schumer, until she was eliminated, because she was cute. I'm no fool. Then, I voted for Jon, because he was cute too, in a different way, and he's funny. It's good to back a winner.

Earlier, I voted for the cute girl on "America Has Talent." At 14, she was an awesome country singer. They all seem to mature early. Must be the water. The singing ventriloquist/ impersonator won, however. He's like nobody else.

"Prison Break" returned, with half the cast back in prison, this time in Panama. The guards have abandoned the inside, and for entertainment, the inmates stage fights-to-the-death. It's the perfect milieu for Theodore Bagwell (T-Bag), who has already killed innumerable people and seems to enjoy it. Watch out, reigning bad guys!

The new shows don't seem to look that good, or are copycats or derivative. However, the returning fare kept me busy last year, so there's no reason to believe I'll have to read a book during prime time.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I have allowed myself to be annoyed by my inability to get the TV and the pamphlet to recognize the danger posed by the local junior high school teacher who lies to his students, telling them that the U.S. imprisons, tortures and spies on innocent people. I believe he is still in the classroom, because his principal won't recognize the political bias in his diatribe. Although the young student who uncovered this cabal has been mercifully transferred, the rest of his classes are still in danger.

Certainly, this teacher, as every American, is entitled to his uninformed opinion, even though he has been brainwashed by the Bush haters. But his rights do not extend to his classroom, where only facts must be presented. What this man spouts is political rhetoric, and the word innocent is the emotional trigger which, although unsubstantiated, stirs up anti-American sentiment. Children are too immature to be subjected to such propaganda.

Because the local media isn't following the story, I may never hear of the teacher's reformation, apology, resignation or firing. Meanwhile, I'll pray for the children.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Fun news

What I want to know is who are these people of the American Society of Microbiology who lurk in public restrooms to spy on people to see if they're washing their hands? Apparently, it is advisable to avoid "big cities," because this "scientific research" took place in four of them, where 6,000 people were subjected to snooping. Was this electronic observation, or were there "scientists" hiding in the stalls (a la Minneapolis)? The research conclusions? Who cares?

Nebraska State Senator Ernie Chambers sued God last week. Angered by the proliferation of frivolous lawsuits, he asserted that "God has made terroristic threats against [him] and his constitutents, inspired fear and caused widespread death, destruction and terrorization of millions upon millions of Earth's inhabitants." The Omaha senator also says God has caused "fearsome floods. . . horrendous hurricanes, terrifying tornadoes." He is seeking a permanent injunction against the Almighty. Chambers maintains He can be sued in Douglas County, Nebraska, because He's everywhere.

O.J.'s arrest is nothing more than a publicity stunt to promote his book. He's no more guilty of these charges than he was of the murder of his wife. What? He did? Really?

Have you noticed how the people who grow and use medical marijuana often look and talk remarkably like those who grow and smoke illegal pot? Are we sure doctors are actually prescribing it, and giving up all those perks from the drug companies?

Friday, September 14, 2007

The chickification of America

I'm the only one at my house who does dishes. No, it's not marriage; there's a good reason. I just never thought, when I was young, that someday I'd be a housewife.

It all started in the '60s when women's lib raised its ugly head. My father had never washed dishes. He went to work every day and gave my mother all the money. She did the housework and raised me. She knew her place.

Not long after I was married. the "liberation" took full effect. Suddenly, working every day and giving the wife all the money was not enough. I never did learn my place, and divorce ensued. I quickly realized that marriage was not my destiny.

Now, partly as a result of my marriage, I am washing all the dishes. I hope Dad doesn't know. He would laugh at my plight. His was a different, less stressful time.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

In the news

Dear Editor (of the pamphlet):

As a father with twenty years of teaching experience, I wish to commend Michael Hill, the father of Kaytlen, 13, who attends Bidwell Junior High School. He is a man who knows what parenting is all about. By getting involved in his daughter's education, he uncovered a teacher, Mike Brooks, who has been using his classroom to spout anti-American propaganda which pollutes the minds of his young charges. Masquerading as instruction, Brooks, as reported by Kaytlen, said, "The U.S. kidnaps innocent people and takes them to Cuba where they are kept indefinitely and tortured." Kaytlen also was upset by Brooks' lie that the government conducts "illegal wiretaps and other surveillance directed against innocent people."

Complicit in this shameful behavior is Joanne Parsley, Bidwell Principal. Her statement that, "She didn't believe Brooks has any political agenda," defies logic. What this teacher and principal, and far too many others, have forgotten, is that their job is to present the facts to their students, and keep their opinions to themselves. If I could do it for twenty years, anyone can. People who won't should be dismissed.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Constitution

Today, we must be particularly grateful for that portion of the First Amendment that says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. . .", because if we didn't have that, surely some cowardly members of Congress would try to accede to Osama Bin Laden's suggestion that we all convert to Islam. That would be those same tail-between-the-legs Democrats who think they know more about how to conduct a war than a four-star general.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Spew (a funny word)

As I was preparing a response to a letter to the editor of the pamphlet bemoaning that Republicans "spew hate," I decided to analyze where all the hatred is actually coming from. Because I am a registered Republican, and I hate no one, I am puzzled by the phenomenon. It seems to stem from the 2000 election, which the Democrats lost and couldn't accept. When, a few months later, because of the failure of the Clinton administration to kill Osama Bin Laden when the CIA said they could, we were attacked and we had to go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq. At that point, someone, probably disgruntled Democrats, created two gigantic lies. Speaking from no credible evidence, and with Nazi precision, the fictions "Bush lied," and "war for oil" were fabricated. Those who have been brainwashed continue to mouth this nonsense, and it allows them to hate the President and our country.

Suddenly, I realize my target audience has probably already stopped reading. Closed minds accompany unreasoned hate.

Thursday, September 06, 2007


My latest Paperback Book Club catalog provides a little humor. First, if you join their satellite Scientific American Book Club, you can choose three books for $1.99 each. One available volume is "An Inconvenient Truth." Shouldn't that be in the Science Fiction Club or the Religion Club?

Then, there's the new book about Mrs. Bill Clinton entitled "Sein Kampf" ($18.99). It chronicles her paranoid war against the "vast right-wing conspiracy." Will she defend her decision to stay with the Great Adulterer?

There are two books ($11.99 and $11.49) by Noam Chomsky, "our most fearless champion of truth, justice and the true American way [who] exposes DEMOCRACY'S HOLLOW PROMISE." Fraud.

Finally, there's Ron Jeremy's autobiography entitled "The Hardest (working) Man in Showbiz ($14.99). I'll bet he's had sex in a public restroom (and almost everywhere else). He'll be bragging how his penis precedes him by several minutes.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Lazy day

What do you think of President Bush's hint at troop reduction? I am disappointed that the President issued one of his few purely political statements. I am no military expert, but I can't imagine how withdrawing troops before we have achieved total victory is a good idea. Stay the course; keep the pressure on the enemy.

Would you pay AT&T $4.99 to monitor your kids' cell phones? I made it through puberty without a cell phone. My children graduated before there were such things as cell phones. Why do today's kids have to have cell phones? They don't.

Monday, September 03, 2007

A Sign

If we are to believe the electronic media and men's magazines, many heterosexual consenting adults have had sex in public restrooms.

If we are to believe science, homosexuality is a normal lifestyle and there is no reason to believe its sexual practices are immoral or illegal.

Yet, the police in Minneapolis and elsewhere have chosen to target homosexuals in public restrooms. Do you see any hypocrisy here? Is this PC?

What's wrong with having sex in a public restroom? Why, someone may see something and allow himself or herself to be offended, that's why. How many people, do you suppose, have sex in public restrooms hoping to be seen? How many people go to public restrooms for the show?

Police might be better employed than as members of a potty patrol. Instead, those restrooms that gain a "bad reputation" could be forced to sport the following sign:

"Attention! Persons have been known to solicit
and/or engage in sex herein. Enter at your own risk."