Two new TVs and more jerks
Campus holiday police presence: What does it say about our young people when only a stepped up police presence can keep some of them from behaving inappropriately? They are supposedly the best of the next generation, intelligent and college bound, but you'd never know it from their lack of self-control.
Should the primary ballot include an advisory vote on the war? We elected the President, and he has the authority to wage war. We elected Congress, and they have the authority to fund the military. The President employs military experts to conduct the war. My opinion is irrelevant. If you think you know more than the military, you can vote for a new President and Congress in November 2008.
More jerks: I was premature in recognizing the jerk of the week. Some even more disgusting candidates have challenged for the title. One is Hai Nguyen, 24, of Garden Grove, who attacked a sea lion with a steak knife because the pinniped had stolen the bait from his fishing line; and, last night, vandals broke the windows and slashed the seats of seven vans used by a local charitable organization to transport developmentally disabled clients to their special education classes. They seem to be trying to outdo Michael Vick for jerk of the year.