Dolce far niente

"Too much law make people mad." "Hawai'i"

Sunday, March 30, 2008


(One of my gems was on TV Friday; see below.) The following was seen on Monday:

Why don't we all quit our jobs, and let the casinos proliferate until there's one on every corner, within walking distance? Then, we can gamble until all our money is gone, which is inevitable, and then go on welfare, and let the state support us and our children. [That woman and her three children in Southern California who claim to be an Indian tribe, and her friends at Big Gambling, will be happy to help us.]

Friday, March 28, 2008


For two years, I have been sending emails almost daily to TV. They put them on screen and read them aloud (for the illiterate?). In the beginning, mine were used regularly, because there were few entries. As time went on, and more people began to participate, my well-crafted two or three sentence bites came less frequently. Now, it has been a week since my last one, the longest drought ever.

Most other entries are pedantic: "I love this; I hate that." Mine are always intended to be instructive and/or thought provoking. Here are some of the gems that languish on the control room floor:

If you believe there will be no money in Social Security when you retire, why are you paying into it? Who's in charge of the government, the politicians or you? Do something, don't just grin and bear it.

(As seen today) Think of all the money we could save if we didn't have to provide medical care for illegal aliens, and have to arrest, try, and feed them in prison. Close the borders.

Instead of trying to punish the oil companies, why don't we buy some of their stock and, if we want, contribute the dividends to the schools? After all, the schools are our responsibility, and are funded by our county taxes, not by class envy.

I am constantly amused by people who do things of which they are ashamed, and live in fear that someone will find out. I guess I'm lucky that I've led such a dull life that the government isn't interested in investigating me.

To best improve the economy, the next president must pledge not to raise taxes, control the borders to exclude criminal aliens, drill for oil to reduce our dependence on foreign sources, insist that able-bodied welfare recipients work instead, and destroy the terrorists' will to fight by winning the war.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

None of your business

There is one Clinton for whom I might be able to vote. Young Chelsea, on the stump at Butler University, was asked an impertinent question by a snot-nosed student. To the inquiry into her take on her mother and father's marital situation, Chelsea responded, "That's none of your business." We need a lot more of "None of your business" in this country.

Snoopy Congressional committees deserved a decisive "None of your business" from Scooter Libby, Alberto Gonzales and Roger Clemens, among others. Even Obama has the right to say "None of your business," as he has, when asked about his religious beliefs. Also, what his supporters and opponents believe is none of anyone's business, either.

In the name of open government, there are far too many elected officials who find investigating and babbling about impeachment more important than legislating. It's all politically motivated, and most of it is none of their business.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I must apologize. It turns out I am not eligible for a "stimulus" pittance, so I won't be able to feel good about myself for saving you some money. Apparently, the less income you have, the less help you need. No comment.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Reverend -- Worthy of honor or respect?

In his Philadelphia speech, when Barack Obama tried to gloss over his racism. he used the very telling expression, "the black community." In a truly equal society there would only be one community -- the American community. As long as he and others separate certain segments of society from others, racism will be alive and well.

When Obama looked at his grandmother and saw a white woman instead of a loving maternal relative, he had fallen under the spell of his racist pastor, "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright. None of his slick, Clintonesque rhetoric can hide what is in his heart. Although he likened "Rev." Wright to a beloved "crazy uncle," Obama threw his white blood relative under the bus, and in Philadelphia, he backed up and drove over her again.

Does Obama want to be the President of the United States, or the president of the "black community," as brainwashed by the "Rev." Wright?

Friday, March 21, 2008

What did he say?

In Amman, Jordan, Martha Raddatz, of the drive-by ABC News, said, "[Polls suggest that] two thirds of Americans say it's not worth fighting [the Iraq War]." Vice-President Dick Cheney responded, "So?" President Bush in his speech marking the fifth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, having talked with soldiers and their loved ones, explained. "And to a person, nearly, I have been told that whatever you do, Mr. President, complete this job. . . don't let politics, don't let the Gallup Poll cause you to make a decision that is not in the interest of our country and our military." Only ABC News and cowards don't understand.

Leonard Adame, arguably the world's worst teacher, drew comment in the newspaper from Mike Long, a former student. Mike reported that Adame, on the first day of class, pronounced, "I am tenured and there's nothing you can do about it."

The student then said, "We spent the folllowing weeks not learning anything of importance about English but about Adame's utter contempt and hatred for all things 'white'."

In my own criticism of Adame, I was unaware that his inappropriate politicizing of his classroom was racially motivated. Somehow, that makes it even worse.

EXTRA: The phone number to order the Shamwow is (800) 516-4408
In a new ad starring Will Ferrell, he says, "Bud Light; suck one."

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Three for TV

(As seen) I'm no prude, but I allow myself to be offended by the continuous use of the f-word in motion pictures. I thank God I don't have to associate with people who talk like that, and I've hated all the films that inflicted them on me.

(Submitted) It appeared we were making progress against racism, until we learned of twenty years of hate-filled speech from "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright, and the fact that a candidate for president sat quietly and listened to it.

(Submitted) America was founded by Christians with guns. More Christians with guns defended us against the Nazis and the Japanese, and the Christians will still need those guns to protect themselves from the Muslim extremists, who have vowed to kill us all.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Letter to the editor about a liar

Leonard Adame opened his letter of 3/16 with, "My mother said never speak ill of the dead. OK, I won't. . ." Then, he proceeded to excoriate William F. Buckley Jr. and Ronald Reagan, both of whom are, indeed, dead. Therefore, Adame is a self-righteous liar. I am allowed to say that without answering to his mother or mine, because he is alive, although he does have a fragile grasp of reality.

Commenting upon what Adame said about those two fine Americans, who were far more significant and influential than he, would only give validation to the words of a man who respects neither his mother's wisdom nor the United States of America. Asking him to apologize would also be futile. I know, because I've asked him to before.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Call now

There is a new ad on TV for the "Shamwow," a towel-like product that appears to have magical properties. It soaks up copious amounts of fluid, and is a mere $19.95US.

Three things about the ad amuse me. First, I have now seen the tape twice, at different times on successive days, and the pitchman says,"Call in the next twenty minutes, because we can't offer this all day." Then he says that it's made in Germany, and that means it has to be superior. I suppose he means to imply that because BMWs and Mercedes-Benzes are fine automobiles, everything German is of the highest quality.

However, it's the name that is the most offputting. Shouldn't it be "Chamwow," meaning an amazing chamois? Doesn't the word Sham- suggest there's something phony about it? I'll wait until you buy one, and report to me. I'll write down the phone number for you the next time I see it.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


The person who makes me the most angry is James Tedisco, New York State Assembly Republican minority leader, because he has called for the impeachment of New York Democratic Governor Eliot Spitzer. How can he pick on a man who is only being a typical Democrat? You know, adultery-schmultery, morality be damned -- like Bill Clinton. Spitzer also has a wife who stands by his immoral self. Of course, he's rich. How can Tedisco lower himself to the level of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, who are also enamored of impeachment?

Apparently, in the last few minutes, Spitzer became a better Democrat than the two named above, and resigned. Will his wife overlook his wealth and power (he'll be back after the voters forget), and dump his whoring persona, unlike Mrs. Bill Clinton?

Friday, March 07, 2008

Two submitted to TV

The people who should be contacted about accepting $2,000 for being infected with malaria for research purposes are the members of PETA, who so vigorously oppose animal testing. They should happily be willing to offer their bodies for the good of mankind.

The United States is sitting on enough oil to put OPEC out of business. Even a small, short-term release would bring down the cost of gasoline, and renewed drilling would make the talk of wasting our food resources on ethanol a thing of the past. Contact your legislators.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Pronounced -deeves

The Maldives is a group of 1190 islands in the Indian Ocean, southwest of Sri Lanka. Looking at a map of the world, it appears to be the one inhabited place which is about as far from the United States as you can get. "The Ultimate Pocket World Factfile" (DK Publishing, Inc.) states, "The larger [islands] are covered in lush, tropical vegetation," because ,"Rain. . . [is] heaviest June-November, during monsoon. Violent storms occasionally hit northern islands. . . Rising sea levels, brought about by global warming and climate changes, are threatening to submerge the islands."

(Which is it? The "evil" global warming, or the natural adjustments of climate change?)

Anyway, it seems to be the perfect place to which to exile evil-doers. It's sort of like the TV show "Lost," before the writers discovered grandmother's house over the sand dunes and through the woods.

EXTRA: Today, in the Sacramento Bee, I saw the first advert ever for a real college, Drexel University (Philadelphia). It's part of the new program where prestigious institutions are sharing their vast endowments with students. (Welcome to Styx Ice-Skating.)

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


In a brief snippet during last night's election coverage, Mrs. Bill Clinton accused Obama supporters of trying to prevent her people from entering some Texas caucuses. I can't find it in today's paper. It smells like Democrats.

*A voiceless bilabial fricative followed by a voiceless UE (sounds like e-you)

EXTRA: (As seen on KNVN-TV) Concerning prison overcrowding, since a large percentage of our prisoners are illegal aliens, let's buy or lease one of the better of the 988 uninhabited islands of The Maldives, and deport them there with some fishing tackle, shovels and several bags of food producing seeds. You say you don't know where The Maldives are? Well, that's the point.
(The anchor mispronounced "Maldives.")

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Another letter to the Bee

Regarding the article "Coming Home -- But Not for Good," I must strenuously object to Cynthia Hubert's use of quotation marks around the words war on terror. That implies the concept of "so-called" war, and it is a mischaracterization of the life-and-death struggle in which we are engaged. It was an insult to the young man who is serving his country so valiantly.

In the same issue of the Bee, I was mildly amused by the words of Richard Lee, the founder of the outrageous Oaksterdam U, which teaches people how best to circumvent federal law against marijuana. He said, "My basic idea is to try to professionalize the industry, and have it taken seriously as a real industry, just like beer and distilling hard alcohol." So, what he is saying is that he represents an enterprise the product of which can be disabling, and whose misuse has destroyed countless lives. How proud he must be.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

The Buck stops

Last month, when Fenton "Buck" Noordyke died in Little Rock, Arkansas, his will included a bequest to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Clinton of $343,000 for "services rendered." Mr. Noordyke, a developer and political activist, was a frequent visitor to the governor's mansion in 1979, and speculation has arisen as to what services Governor Clinton and his wife provided to him. The Little Rock Democrat-Gazette will be launching an investigation.